Manastırlı Rıfat

Soldier, Playwright, Poet

War School
Other Names
Mehmet Rıfat

Military man and playwright (b. 1851, Manastır / Greece - d. 1907, Aleppo / Syria). His real name was Mehmet Rıfat. He was a graduate of War School (1872). He participated in the famous war between Turkey and Russia, which is also known as the “War of ‘93”. He was exiled to Aleppo by Abdulhamid II, with the claim that he was involved in the events that led to dethronement of Sultan Abdulaziz (1876) and he died in exile. He published twenty plays, which he translated from French in collaboration with Hasan Bedrettin Paşa (1850-1914), in a series with the title Temaşa (Contemplation). These were staged at the Gedikpaşa Theatre.

WORKS (Plays):

Osman Gazi (Osman Gazi, 1873), Görenek (Custom, 1873), Pâkdâmen (The Pure, 1874), Ya Gazi Ya Şehit (Either a Veteran or a Martyr of War, 1874), Delile Yahut Kanlı İntikam (Evidence or a Bloody Revenge, with H. Bedrettin Paşa, 1875), Fakire Yahut Mükâfât-ı İffet (Poverty, the Reward of Honesty, with H. Bedrettin Paşa, 1876).


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