Doğu Perinçek

Hukukçu, Gazeteci, Siyasetçi, Yazar

Ankara University Faculty of Law
Diğer İsimler
Emre Adıgüzel

Lawyer, journalist and writer, politician. He was born on June 17th 1942 in Gaziantep. He used the signature Emre Adıgüzel in his writings in the 1980s. His father is Sadık Perinçek, who was an Assistant of Supreme Court of Appeals Prosecutor and a member of parliament for four-terms and his uncle was the retired Major General Turhan Olcaytu. He spent his childhood in Gaziantep, Antakya and Diyarbakır due to his father’s duties as a reserve officer and a judge. When he was five years old, his family moved to Ankara, where he studied at Sarar Primary School, Secondary department of the Atatürk High School (1956), Bahçelievler Deneme High School (1960) and Ankara University Faculty of Law (1964). During his university studentship years, he worked in Germany as a worker and learnt German. He entered the faculty that he completed as an assistant of public law and completed his doctorate in 1968. His doctoral thesis "Internal Order and Prohibition of Political Parties in Turkey Regime" is his first book at the same time.

 He was the editorial-writer of the Dönüşüm magazine in 1967. He was president of the Türk Toplumcular Ocağı (T.N. Turkish Socialist Organization) that he founded in Germany. He worked in various positions within the Türkiye İşçi Party (T.N. Workers' Party of Turkey) (TİP). He became the president of Fikir Kulüpleri Federasyonu (T.N. Idea Clubs Federation) (Dev-Genç) in 1968. In the same year he began publishing the Aydınlık magazine with names such as Gün Zileli, Şahin Alpay, Cengiz Çandar, Vahap Erdoğdu. In 1969, he was one of the founders of the illegal Türkiye İhtilalci İşçi Köylü Party (T.N. Revolutionary Worker Peasants Party of Turkey) (TİİKP) and he published the İşçi-Köylü newspaper and he worked as the editorial-writer of it. He was the director of the Political Studies Association, Turkey Department for four years and he was the director of the Turkish Law Institute for four years. He was arrested and sentenced to twenty years in prison on March 12th (1971) period. He was released with the 1975 amnesty. He carried out the positions of the Chairman of the Türkiye İşçi Köylü Party (1978-80) and the editorial-writer of the Aydınlık newspaper (1978-September 12th 1980) at the same time. He was arrested again after September 12th 1980 and was sentenced to eight years, he was released in 1985. 

Then, Perinçek was the Chief Editor of the weekly 2000’e Doğru magazine published in the line with the Aydınlık newspaper (first issue: January 1987). He was imprisoned for three months in the Diyarbakır Prison following the censorship decree issued in 1990. He gained political rights by the removal of the 141st and 142nd articles of the Turkish Penal Code in 1991. He was elected as the President of the Sosyalist Party (SP). Upon the closure of the SP in 1992, he was assigned to the Chairman of the İşçi Party (İP) position. He was sentenced to twenty-eight months by the State Security Court trial in 1993. When he was released in 1999 he returned to his position of the Chairman of the İP. He was arrested in Switzerland in 2005 due to the speech claiming that no genocide had been carried out against the Armenians in 1915. Perinçek received suspended imprisonment and fined by the Swiss Government due to the ground of “denial of the Armenian Genocide”. In 2008, he was arrested in the scope of the Ergenekon investigation.

He began his writing career with the editorials he wrote in Yeni Gazete in 1965. He also published his writings in newspapers and magazines such as Akşam, Milliyet, Cumhuriyet, Proleter, Devrimci Aydınlık, İşçi-Köylü, AÜ Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, Halkın Sesi, Saçak, Teori, Bilim ve Ütopya, Papirüs, Aydınlık as well as various foreign media outlets. A part of his writings and books are translated into various languages. He made study trips to European countries, the People's Republic of China, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Cuba, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq. He received the Yunus Nadi Award in the social sciences fields with his work “Kemalist Devrim - 2 / Din ve Allah”.


RESEARCH - REVIEW: Türkiye’de Siyasî Partilerin İç Düzeni ve Yasaklanması Rejimi (doctoral thesis 1968), Türkiye İhtilalci İşçi Köylü Partisi Davası (Defence/ with his friends, 1974), Faşizm Halkın Mücadelesini Durduramaz (Speeches and petitions in the courts of martial law, 1975), Kıvılcımlı’nın Burjuva Ordusu ve Devlet Teorisinin Eleştirisi (1975), Kıbrıs Meselesi (1976), Bozkurt Efsaneleri ve Gerçek (About the historical development of the Middle East Nations, 1976), Sosyal-Emyaryalizme ve Revizyonizme Karşı 1970’te Açılan Mücadele (1976), Sahte TKP’nin Revizyonist Programının Eleştirisi (1976), Doğru Eylem Nedir? (1977), Kemalist Devrim 1 / Teorik Çerçeve (1977), Lenin, Stalin ve Mao’nun Türkiye Yazıları (1977), Anarşinin Kaynağı ve Devrimci Siyaset (1978), Türkiye Devriminin Yolu (1979), Atatürk’ün Bugünkü Önemi (Panel session notes with Turan Güneş and Emre Kongar, 1980), Anayasa ve Partiler Rejimi (1985), Osmanlı’dan Bugüne Toplum ve Devlet (1986), Abdullah Öcalan’la Görüşme (1990), Stalin’den Gorbaçov’a (1990), Parti ve Sanat (1992), Türk Sorunu (1993), Kemalist Devrim 2 / Din ve Allah (1994), Çiller Özel Örgütü - TBMM Susurluk Komisyonu’na Sunulan Dosya ve Belgeler (1996), Avrasya Seçeneği (1996), ÖDP’nin Kimliği (1998), Memidik Kaptan’a Masallar (1998), Kemalist Devrim 3 / Altı Ok (1999), Kemalist Devrim 4 / Kurtuluş Savaşında Kürt Politikası (1999), Bir Devlet Operasyonu (1999), Eşcinsellik ve Yabancılaşma (2000), 28 Şubat ve Ordu (2000), Karen Fogg’un Epostalları (2002), Mafyokrasi (2004), Atatürk’ün Sovyetlerle Görüşmeleri (2005), Gladyo ve Ergenekon (2008), Türk Ordusunda Strateji Sorunu Üç Genelkurmay Başkanı (2008).

COLLECTED WORKS: Türkiye Komünist ve İşçi Hareketi (1974), Kurtuluş Savaşı ve Lozan (1977), Kürt Sorunu (1977), Şefik Hüsnü Yazı ve Konuşmalar (1977), Komintern Belgelerinde Türkiye Dizisi (5 volumes), Kemalist Cumhuriyet (1994).

TRANSLATION: Sovyetler Birliği’nin Sosyo-Ekonomik Yapısı (from Antonoio Carlo, 1975), Revizyonizm ve Maceracılık Yenilgiye Marksizm-Leninizm Zafere Götürür (from Enver Hodja / with Şule Perinçek, 1975), Tekelci Bürokratik Sosyalizm (from Jacek Kuron / Karol Modzelevski, 1976).

REFERENCE: Yurt Ansiklopedisi (c. IV, 1982), Büyük Larousse Ansiklopedisi (c. 18, 1986), Cemal Süreya / 99 Yüz (1991), Mahmut Çetin / Perinçek ve Aydınlık Hareketi (1998), İhsan Işık / Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (2006), Fuat Akyol / Devir Devir Doğu Perinçek (Aksiyon dergisi, 13 Temmuz 2010), Eski MİT mensubundan ağır iddia: Aydınlık hareketini solu bölmek için biz kurduk (, 11.08.2016).


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