Mustafa Müftüoğlu


07 Mart, 2006
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Mustafa Hayreddin Tatlısu (asıl adı)

Historian and writer (b. 1925 Eskişehir). He is a graduate of Haydarpaşa High School. He is famous for his research on recent Turkish history. His articles have been published in the review Tasvir published by Ebuzziya Velid, in the magazine where he worked as an editor-in-chief Volkan, in the magazine Büyük Doğu and in recent years in the magazines and newspapers Bizim Anadolu and Millî Gazete. He also established the Müftüoğlu bookstore. 


Çankaya'da Kâbus (Nightmare in Çankaya, 1974), Yakın Tarihimizde Siyasî Cinayetler (Political Assassination in our Recent History, 1975), Yüz Küçük Adam (100 Small Men, 1976), Yalan Söyleyen Tarih Utansın (Let The History That Lies Be Ashamed, 6 volumes, 1975-79), Abdülhamid (Abdülhamid, 1985), Cumhuriyet Devrinde Mühim Olaylar (Significant Incidents in Republican Period, 1988), Tarihi Gerçekler (Historical Facts, 1990), Menemen Vak'ası (The Incident of Menemen, 1991), Millî Mücadele Gerçekleri I-II (The Facts of the National Struggle, 1995), 31 Mart Vak'ası (The Incident of March 31, 1995).



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