Evin İlyasoğlu

Music Researcher

Researcher of music (b. 1950, İstanbul). She is the sister of the poet Ergin Sander and granddaughter of Hüseyin Vassaf (b. ? - d. 1929). She took piano lessons when she was very young and later studied at a conservatory. She graduated from Arnavutköy American Girls (Robert) College in 1966, having collected the Halide Edip Adıvar Literature Award. Between 1969-71, she attended Musical Critique and Comparative History of Music Seminars at the State University of Michigan in the United States. She broadcast a regular program on expressive classical western music on İstanbul Radio from 1973 to 1993. For the Habitat II meeting in İstanbul in 1997, she held an exhibition with the title “Music of İstanbul”. She also worked as a lecturer at Boğaziçi University.

Her critiques, research papers and interviews have been published in newspapers and reviews such as Cumhuriyet, Milliyet Sanat, Soyut, Somut, Türk Dili, Yeni Gündem, Sanat Dünyamız, Söz, Güneş, Skylife, Vizyon, Kapris, Çalıntı and Albüm.

In 1968, she received the top award at the Yeni Dergi Critic Contest with her essay Salkımsöğütün Türküsü (Songs of the Weeping Willow), in which she analyzed Nazım Hikmet’s poetry from a musical aspect. Her radio program series Çağdaş Müzikte Folklor brought her the Turkish Language Association, Language of Radio and Television Award in 1978.


Yirmibeş Türk Bestecisi (Twenty-five Turkish Composers, in Turkish and English, 1989), Müziğin Kanatlarında Söyleşiler (Interviews on the Wings of Music, 1992), İlhan Usmanbaş'a Armağan (A Gift for İlhan Usmanbaş, 1994), Zaman İçinde Müzik (Music in Time, 1994), Cemal Reşit Rey - Müzikten İbaret Bir Dünyada Gezintiler (Cemal Reşit Rey - Journeys in a World of Mere Music, 1997), Galatasaraylı Besteciler (Composers from Galatasaray, 1997), Necil Kâzım Akses - Minyatürden Destana Bir Yolculuk (Necil Kazım Akses - A Journey from Miniature to Legend, 1998), Çağdaş Türk Bestecileri (Contemporary Turkish Composers, 1998), Zehra'nın Öyküsü (Story of Zehra, opera, 1998), İlhan Usmanbaş / Ölümsüz Deniz Taşlarıydı (İlhan Usmanbaş / They Were Immortal Sea Stones, including 2 CDs, 2001), Ayla'yı Dinler misiniz? (Do You Listen to Ayla?, about Ayla Erduran, 2002).


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