Güzide Sabri

Novelist, Writer

Other Names

Novelist (b. 1886, İstanbul – d. 1946, Giresun). She was raised with private tutoring. Her husband was a public notary. With her overly emotional books, she became the first woman novelist to have a mass readership. Münevver (Educated), which was her first novel, was serialized in the newspaper Hanımlara Mahsus Gazete. Some of her novels have been republished. Her novel, Münevver (Münevver) was translated into Serbian.


Münevver (Münevver, 1901), Ölmüş Bir Kadının Evrak-ı Metrukesi (Abandoned Documents of a Dead Woman, 1905), Yaban Gülü (Wild Rose, 1920), Nedret (Rarity, continuation of the novel Ölmüş Bir Kadının Evrak-ı Metrukesi (The Abandoned Documents of a Dead Woman), 1922), Hüsran (Disappointment, 1928), Hicran Gecesi (The Night of Separation, 1930), Gecenin Esrarı/hikâyeler (Mystery of the Night/ stories, 1934), Necla (Necla, 1941), Mazinin Sesi (The Sound of The Past, 1944).


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