Nihat Keklik


İstanbul University Faculty of Literature

Philosopher (b. 1926, Ayvalık / Balıkesir). His comes from a family in Üsküp, Kalkandelen. After attending Ayvalık Cumhuriyet Primary School, he was sent to Galatasaray High School and between the years 1939-1948 he studied there. He completed his undergraduate education at İstanbul University, Faculty of Literature in 1953 and was appointed as an assistant to the Philosophy Department. In 1955, he completed his PhD. thesis on Mukayeseli Olarak Farabi ve Aristo Mantığında Kategoriler (A Comparative Analysis on Categories in the Aristotelian and Farabian Logic) and then was sent to Europe. In 1959, he returned to Turkey for his military service. In 1960 even though he had to cope with some difficulties, he returned to his duty in the university. He was married in 1961. His assistant professorship thesis was Sadreddin Konevi`nin Felsefesi (Philosophy of Sadrettin Konevi).

In 1965, he completed his first formal professorship assignment Türk-İslam Felsefesi (Turk-Islamic Philosophy). After publishing some articles on a philosopher who had a great influence on Turk-Islamic philosophy, Muhyiddin İbnül-Arabi (d. 1240), he became professor in 1969.  In 1970 the Chair of the History of Turk-Islamic Philosophy was established, of which he became head. Because of some formalities with certification, lectures couldn’t start until 1974. In February 1991 after a 38-year academic career he voluntarily retired a few years before his official retirement date. He was one of the founders of the Intellectuals Guild. In addition to presenting papers at congresses and publishing articles in scientific reviews such as Felsefe Arkivi, he had 12 books published.


Felsefe (Philosophy: Basic Knowledge and Sources with Comparison), Mantık Tarihi ve Farabi Mantığı (History of Logic and Farabian Logic, 1970), Filozofların Özellikleri - Bilgi Ahlâk Mantık ve İnanç Bakımlarından (Characteristics of Philosophers- From the Point of View of Knowledge, Ethics, Logic and Belief, 1981), Türklerde Dünya ve Ahlâk Görüşü (World and Ethical View in Turks, 2001).




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