Osman Karataş

Oyun Yazarı, Yazar

13 Mart, 1952
Erzurum Advanced Islamic Institute

Playwright (b. 13 March 1952, Gökdere village / Erzin / Hatay). He attended Gökdere Village Primary School and Adana İmam High School (1969) and graduated from Erzurum Advanced Islamic Institute (1975). He has worked as a teacher of professional courses and as an administrator in Gümüşhane (1975-80) and as a manager in Osmaniye (1980). He officially retired in 2004. His poems and articles have appeared in Osmaniye, Hasret, Yeni Osmaniye, Bayrak (İstanbul), Çınar, Diyanet Çocuk newspaper and reviews since 1985. He has received awards in competitions organized by municipalities. He is a member of the Osmaniye Anatolian Culture Art Education Association and a member of the Anatolian Science Education Culture Foundation, the Osmaniye Journalist Society, the Professional Association of Scientific and Literary Work Owners of Turkey and the Writers Union of Turkey.


PLAY: Altın Kalpli Türkler (Golden Hearted Turks, 1988), Bir Şişecik (A Small Bottle, 1989), Haç Hilal’e Saldırdı The Cross Invaded The Crescent, 1990), Yürü Sultan Selim (Go Sultan Selim!, 1982), Çanakkale Geçilmez (Çanakkale Will Not Be Passed, 1994), Zafer Müjdecileri (Victory Heralds), İmanın Zaferi (Victory of Faith, 1994), Mehmet Akif ve Oyun İçinde Oyun (Mehmet Akif and The Play Within Play, 1995), Tamburi’nin Pabuçları (Tamburi’s Shoe), Ne Salak Ne Asalak (Neither an Idiot nor a Parasite), Turan’da İslam Güneşi (Islamic Sun in Turan), Okullar İçin En Güzel Skeçler ve Piyesler (The Most Beautiful Sketches and Plays).

NOVEL: Zafer Düğünü (Victory Wedding).

STUDY-RESEARCH: Osmaniye’den ve Türkiye’den A’dan Z’ye Atasözü (Proverbs from Osmaniye and Turkey from A to Z), Türkiye’den ve Dünya’dan Zamanın Eskitemediği En İbretli Hikâyeler (Stories from Turkey and the World With The Greatest Lessons Not Faded by Time, Poems-1), Hz. Adem (AS)’den Hz. Muhammed (SAV)’e Her Devrin En Güzel Örnekleri Allah Elçileri-Hayatları-Mücadeleleri ve Mucizeleri (From Adam to Mohammad, the Most Beautiful Examples of Every Period, the Prophets of God, Lives, Struggles and Miracles).




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