İsa Kayacan

Gazeteci, Yazar, Şair

20 Eylül, 1943
Anadolu University Department of Public Relations
Diğer İsimler
Kaya Burdurlugil, Mehmet İ. Kayaoğulları

Journalist and writer (b. 20 September, 1943, Ece village / Tefenni / Burdur). He also used the pseudonyms Kaya Burdurlugil, Mehmet İ. Kayaoğulları. He attended primary school in his village and, secondary school in Tefenni. He completed High School in Ankara. He was graduated from Anadolu University Department of Public Relations. Beginning from 1961,  He worked in Ankara Turist Hotel (1961-63), Educational Hospital (1964-67), Tercüman, Zafer, Adalet, Tasvir (1973), Yeni Tanin, Bugün, Orta Doğu, Başkent, Ankara Ticaret, Türk Haber, Anadolu’nun Sesi (1990, as a chief editor ) Newspapers and Organization for Finding Work and Workers (1970-79) in the Department of Press. He worked as a counselor in Turkish radio Television Association and Ministry of Forestry, (1979-82), and Press-Publications Information Directorate (1982-93). In 1976 he went to Germany to do researches.

His fist poem (Çalacağım-I Am Going to Steal) were published in Burdur’un Sesi (1958), and his first prose were published (Yazı Yazmak Nasıl Şey?-What Is It Like to Write?), in Bartın newspaper (24 January 1961). Soon, lots of his works were published in reviews and newspapers. He won lots of awards such as Turkish Folklore Service Award from various Foundations. He has been the member of Ankara journalist’s Association and the Professional Association of Scientific and Literary Work Owners of Turkey. He published 100 works. He published Ece Art and Culture Review (1966). He has had yellow press card. His name was given to a street in Burdur and Road in Tefenni. He has given the title of Semi-Doctorate by the Azerbaijan University.


POETRY: Macarios’a Açık Mektuplar (Open Letters to Macarios 1961; expanded 2nd edition, 1966), Dönemeç (The Turn-by, 1962), Tutam Tutam (Piece by Piece, 1963), Çehre-Atatürk Şiirleri (Atatürk Poems, 1964), Ayaz Ayaz (1964), Onsekiz Yaş (Age Eighteen, 1964), Lekeli Önlük (The Stained Uniform, 1965), Bazıları (Some People, 1966), Yüz Karası (The Opprobrium, 1966), Hatır İçin (Poem and Letter, 1966), Der Gibisin (You Are Likely to Say, 1966), Vatanım ve Ondan Başka (My Country and the Other than Her, 1966), Sonbahar Yaprakları (The Leaves of Autumn, 1966), Kim Anlar? (Who Understands? 1967), Kennedy’e Sesleniş (Call to Kennedy, 1967), Tel Örgüler (The Wires, 1968), Mıknatıs Gözlüm (My Magnet-eyed, 1968), Özlemler (The Missing, 1970), Kırık Çanta (The Broken Bag, 1973), Kapalı Sandık (The Closed Chest, 1973), Oldum Olası (Ever Since I Was Born, 1973), Zam Fabrikaları Anonim Şirketi (The Raise Factory Corporation poems and Anecdotes, 1975), Güçlüsün Bir Yaşamboyu, Gününe Göre (You’re Strong For a Life Time, 1976), Falan - Filan (This and That, 1976), Düdük Makarnası (The Spaghetti, 1976), Varım Halâ (I Still Exist, 1976).

NOVEL: Ayrılık Acıları (The Pain of Separation) Kaçanlar (The Fugitives, 1966), Kader Surları (The Walls of Destiny, 1973), Cehennem Merdivenleri (The Stairway to the Hell, 1976), Anafor Abidin (Anaphor Abidin, 1976), İki Yüzlü Kahpe (Hypocrite Slut, 1976), Beyaz Perdeli Balkon (Balcony with White Curtains, 1976), Hepsi Bayrak İçin (All is For the Flag, 1976).

RADIO PLAY: Köyden-Şehirden (From the Village, from the City, 1966), Kandırılanlar - Alamanya Yolcuları (Those Deceived-Travelers to Germany, 1975).

MEMORY-INTERVIEW-INVESTIGATION: Atatürk’ün Emrinde Kırksekiz Ay (48 months under the Orders of Atatürk, 1966), 17. Kıbrıs Semalarında Cengiz Topeli’min Yumruğu (The Fist of Cengiz Topel on the Cyprus Sky, 1966), Askerlik Günlerim (My Military Service Days, 1967), Radyo ve Televizyon Yayınları İçin Ne Diyorlar? (What Do They Say About Radio and Television Programs, 1976), Sayfa ve Sütunlarda Kırkbeş Yıl (45 years in Pages and Columns, 2001), İşte Hayatım (That’s My Life, 2004).

SCENERIO: Topraksızlar (Without a Land, 1967).

SHORT-STORY: Silintiler (The Erasures, 1968), İrezillik Birikintileri (The Acculmulation of Shames, 1971), Anasını Sattıklarım (The Damned, 1976), Yalancının Mumu (Candle of the Liar, 1976).

ANTHOLOGY: Ece Şairler Toplaşması (Ece Gathering of Poets, 1969), Temcit Pilavı (Ready-Steady Rice, 1976), Orman Şiirleri (Forest Poems, 1980), Makale ve Şiirlerle Çeşitleme (The Selections of Essays and Articles, 1983).

ESSAY: Nodullar (Nodules, 1973), Bizim Eceliler (Our Eceli’s, 1976), Tanıdığım Ozanlar Arasından (Among the Poets I Know, 1976), Anadolu ve Trakya Basını İçin Düşündüklerim (My Ideas on Anatolian and Thracian Press, 1977), Merhaba Dediğim Ozanlar Arasından (Among the Poets that I Welcomed, 1979), Armağan-3 (Gift 3, with Ahmet Tufan Şentürk, 2004).

FAIRY-TALE: Kayacan Amca Anlatıyor (Uncle Kayacan is Telling, 1976).

STUDY-RESEARCH: Türk Basınının Kısa Tarihçesi-Basın ve Halkla İlişkiler (A Brief  History of Turkish Press and Public Relations, 1976), Gazete ve Dergilerimizde Atatürk (Atatürk in our reviews and Newspapers, 1980), Anadolu ve Trakya Basınında Atatürk (Ataturk in the Anatolian, Thracian Press, 1980), Atatürk ve Laiklik (Atatürk and Secularism, 1986), Anadolu Basınında Sanat ve Edebiyat (Art and Literature in the Anatolian Press, Selections from 83 newspapers, 1987), Artvinli Âşık Gülhani ve Şiirleri (Poems of Artvinli Âşık Gilhani, 1988), Küçülen Ekmeğin Büyüyen İsrafı (The Big Extravagance of the Shortened Bread, 1988), Ölümünün Yüzüncü Yılında Namık Kemal (Namık Kemal on the 100th Anniversary of His Death, 1988), Burdur Hatırlamaları (Burdur Memories, 1989), Örnek İşçi Anıları (The Memories of Good Workers, 1989), Orta Asya Türk Cumhuriyetleri (Middle Asia Turkish Republics, 1993), Dünya’da ve Türkiye’de Gazetecilik 1-Basınımızın Anadolu Cephesi (Journalism in the World and the Turkey, the Anatolian Side of Our Press, 1996), Özümüz, Sözümüz, Gözümüz, Azerbaycan, Azerbaycan, Can Azerbaycan (2003).

TRAVEL LITERATURE: Almanya Kapısı Kapanmadan Gidenler (1977).

BIOGRAPHY: Türk Yayınevreninden Kimlikler (The identities from Turkish Publication Houses, 167 poet and writer, 1976), Artvin’li Fuat Altun’un Sessiz Köyü-Fuat Altun’un Şiirleri (Fırat Altun Poems, 1994), Türk Basınında Unutamadıklarımız (The Unforgettable in the Turkish Press, 1997).



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