İlhan Tekeli

Şehircilik Uzmanı

06 Kasım, 1937
İstanbul Technical University Department of Civil Engineering

Expert of city planning (b. 6 November 1937, İstanbul). He graduated from İstanbul Technical University, Department of Civil Engineering. He completed his master in the field of city and district planning in Middle East University (1964) and Pennsylvania University (1966). He did doctorate in the same field in İstanbul Technical University (1968). Since 1970 he has worked as an academician in the department of City and District Planning at Middle East Technical University. He is founder and member of Execution Committee of World Academy for Local Government and Democracy, in addition to being chairman and founder of History Association.

Since 1964, a lot of works of him has been published in the field of city and district planning, theory of planning, macro geography, geography of migration and political act, theory and history of local administration in Turkey, urbanization and urban politics, economy politics, Economical History of Turkey, city and society.


Uygulamaya Geçerken Türkiye’de Devletçiliğin Oluşumu (Formation of State Socialism in Turkey when We Pass Carrying Out, 1982, with Selim İlkin), 1929 Dünya Buhranı’nda Türkiye İktisadi Politika Arayışları (Economical Politic Search of Turkey in 1929 World Crisis, 1983), Türkiye ve Avrupa Topluluğu I-II-III (Turkey and European Union I-II-III, 1993), Tarih Bilinci ve Gençlik (the Conscious of History and Youth, 1998), Tarih Bilinci ve Gençlik, Karşılaştırmalı Avrupa ve Türkiye Araştırması (the Conscious of History and Youth, Comparative Research of Europe and Turkey, 1998), Kadrocuları ve Kadro'yu Anlamak (Understanding to Staff and Staff Partisan with Selim İlkin, 2003)     REFERENCE: Vitrindekiler (Cumhuriyet Kitap, 16.7.1998 - 10.12.1998), Etienne Copeaux / Tarih Bilinci ve Gençlik (Cumhuriyet Kitap, 21.1.1999), Ders Kitapları Açmazında Bir Işık (Cumhuriyet Kitap, 15.2.2001), Sefa Kaplan / Yarım Kalan Aşklar (Hürriyet Keyif Eki, 20.7.2003), İhsan Işık / Resimli ve Metin Örnekli Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (2. bas., 2009).


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