İhsan Eliaçık

Araştırmacı, Yazar

23 Aralık, 1961
Diğer İsimler
Recep İhsan Eliaçık

Researcher-author. He was born on the 23rd of December 1961 in Kayseri. His full name is Recep İhsan Eliaçık. He completed his primary, secondary and high school education in different schools of Kayseri and Kırşehir (1980). He entered Faculty of Theology in Erciyes University (1985). Then he left Theology Faculty and started his career as an independent writer (1988). He published more than twenty books continuing his career of thinker and author.

He actively took part within Islamic youth groups such as National Turkish Students Association (MTTB) and Akıncılar (T.N. Raiders) before 12 September. He remained arrested in Mamak Military Prison because of the main file Akıncılar / Akıncı Gençler for one year, then he was acquitted (1981).  

In 1989 he established Çizgi Yayınları (T.N. Çizgi Publications) in Kayseri and published the local newspaper called Kayseri Gündem twice in a month. Later he settled to Istanbul and published the monthly Değişim magazine with a group of his friends (1993-99). His articles were published in this review for six years. He was the chief editor until its closure. He was one of the founders of Birlik FM in Kayseri. Around thirty charges were placed against him during 28 February events. He was condemned to more than six years after lawsuits which were started according to his allegedly violations of the 312th article with his radio speeches, columns and meeting speeches. He benefited from the Act on Suspending Crimes Committed through Press. His enforcement was suspended for three years and he was freed on bail (2000).

In the recent years, he wrote articles in Yayın review for 4 years until its closure and for 8 months in Söz ve Adalet review until its closure, where he was the Chief Editor, and for 2 years in Gerçek Hayat review. He is married and father of five children. He speaks Arabic and English and lived in Istanbul.

İhsan Eliaçık heavily criticized Muslim people to live in luxury and prodigality. He protested show-off iftar organizations of luxury hotels with his voluntary friends. He praised Ebu Zer interpretation of Islam and opposed the capitalist interpretation.


İtikad Üzerine (1992), İslâm ve Sosyal Değişim (1993), Devrimci İslam (1995), İslâm’ın Yenilikçileri (3 volumes, 2000), Adalet Devleti; Ortak İyinin İktidarı (2003), İhyadan İnşaya İslam düşüncesi (2003), İslam’ın Üç Çağı (2004), Aliya İzzet Begoviç (2004), Adalet Devleti (2005), Aliya İzzetbegoviç (2005), Mehmed Akif Ersoy (2005), Muhammed İkbal (2005), Yaşayan Kur’an - Türkçe Meal-Tefsir (three volumes 2006), Daru’s-Selam; Evrensel Adalet ve Barış Yurdu (2006), Gerçek Hayat Dini (2006), Nuzül sırasına göre Yaşayan Kur’an - Türkçe Meal-Tefsir (one volume 2007), Mülk Yazıları I (2009), Hanginiz Muhammed (2010), Mülk Yazıları I+II (2011), Bana Dinden Bahset (2011), Bu Belde (2011), Kur’an’a Giriş (2011), Sosyal İslam (2012).



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