İbrahim Zeki Burdurlu

Yazar, Şair

27 Temmuz, 1984
Gazi Institute of Education (Gazi University Faculty of Education)

Poet and writer (b. 1922, Burdur – d. 27 July 1984, İzmir). He graduated from İstanbul Teacher Training School for Men (1938) and after working in Ceyhan for one year he graduated from Ankara Gazi Institute of Education. He lectured on Turkish and literature at Sivas, Burdur, Kıbrıs secondary schools and high schools and then at İzmir Institute of Education. He retired in 1977.

During his student years, he participated in studies about the evaluation of folk poetry in Ahmet Kutsi Tecer’s Ülkü review. He wrote poems full of local color on the topics of love and homeland. He won second prize in the Peyami Safa Novel Competition in 1976 with his novel Akdeniz’in İnsan Çiçekleri (The Human Flowers of Mediterranean). Beginning from 1941, his poems were published in the reviews Ülkü, Sanat ve Edebiyat, Millet, Fikirler, Şadırvan, Hisar, Varlık. Besides his poetry, he wrote works on fairytales, research and examination.


POETRY: Toprak İnsanları (People of Earth, 1945), Toprağın İçindeki Toprak (Earth within the Earth, 1946), Burdur'daki Mahallemiz (Our Neighborhood in Burdur, 1947), Keloğlan (Keloğlan, 1949), Basık Tavan (Low Ceiling, 1959), Bir Köyden Bir İnsan (A Human from a Village, 1951), Lefkoşe (Nicosia, 1953), Minnacık Ada (The Very Little Island, 1954), Günaydın Yavru Kıbrıs (Good Morning Little Cyprus, 1959), Atatürk'üm (My Atatürk, 1959), Sev Beni (Love Me, 1966), Açmıyor mu Kıbrıs'ımın Gülleri (Aren’t the Roses of My Cyprus Blooming, 1968), İzmir'in Mor Atları (The Purple Horses of İzmir, 1976).

ANTHOLOGY: Şiirimizde Öğretmen (The Teacher in our Poetry, 1965), Öğretmen Şairler Antolojisi (The Anthology of Teacher Poets, 1966), Atatürk Şiirleri Antolojisi (Anthology of Poems for Atatürk, 1967).

EPIC: Üç Destan (Three Epics: Köroğlu, Karacaoğlan, Oghuz Epics, 1959).

CHILDREN’S LITERATURE: Nur Güzeli (The Beauty of the Divine Light, 1963), Dileği Gerçekleşmeyen Kız (The Girl Who Couldn’t Get Her Wish, 1963), Güllü Padişah (Emperor with Roses, 1963), Mavi Pullu Balık (Blue Scaled Fish, 1964), Üç Yumak (Three Balls, 1964), Ömürsün Nasreddin Hoca (You Are an Excellent Person, Nasreddin Hoca, 1965), Pamuk Bacı (Cotton Sister, 1965), Köroğlu Destanı (The Epic of Köroğlu, 1965), Günaydın Anneciğim (Good Morning Mother, 1968), Keloğlan Masalları (Fairy Tales of Keloğlan, 1966), Ülkemin Efsaneleri (The Legends of My Country, 1966), Kendi Bir Karış Sakalı Üç Karış (He is One Span Long, His Beard is Three Spans Long, 1972). 

STUDY:  Romanlarıyla Reşat Nuri Güntekin İncelemesi (A Study on Reşat Nuri Güntekin and His Novels, 1971), Dilbilgisi Açısından Yapıtlarımız (Our Works from the Angle of Grammar, 1974).

NOVEL:  Memiş Can (Memiş Can, 1978).

SHORT STORY: Anılardan Öyküler (Stories form Memories, 1979).


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