Olcay Yazıcı

Yazar, Şair

13 Eylül, 2010
Zonguldak Fener High School
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Osman Olcay Yazıcı

Poet and writer (b. 1953, Yukarıovalı (Vizara) village / Küçükdere / Sürmene / Trabzon – d. 13 September 2010, İstanbul). His full name is Osman Olcay Yazıcı. He attended Aşağıovalı Village High School and graduated from Zonguldak Fener High School. He completed his graduate education in İstanbul. He started to journalism in 1984 and worked as a series and interview writer and columnist; art-culture pages editor, department editor, editor and redactor in European prints (1984-1997). He was the editor (1983-84) of the review Türk Edebiyatı that was published by Turkish Literature Foundation and the science and technology review İnsan ve Kainat, which was review of İhlas Holding Company reviews group (1988-94). He undertook the job of editor in chief of the review Kültür Dünyası (1997-98, 16 issues). He edited the Art, Culture and Thought pages of the newspaper Ayyıldız Gazetesi in 1999.He worked as the coordinator of and publication commission and periodicals editor of Independent Industrialists and Businessmen’s Association (2000-2001). He is still working as a general director of International Technological Economic and Social Researches Foundation. He is a member of The Professional Association of Scientific and Literary Work Owners of Turkey, Journalists Association and Writers Union of Turkey.

He published his short stories, essays and thought articles in the reviews such as Hisar, Töre, Türk Edebiyatı, Boğaziçi, Pınar, Meşale, Dolunay, Ufuk Çizgisi, Millî Kültür, İnsan ve Kâinat, Cemre, Güneysu, Çağrışım, Tepe Edebiyat, Kırağı, Kültür Dünyası, Tarih ve Düşünce, İslâmî Edebiyat, Bizim Külliye, Çerçeve, Seyir, Öncüler, Kubbealtı Akademi Mecmuası, Biyografi Analiz, Mor Taka, Yüzakı and Ufuk Ötesi and in the newspapers Türkiye and Ayyıldız. Some of his poems were composed by Arif Nazım and Mehmet Ylmaz. He came first at Turkish Literature Foundation with his short story book Çocuklar Vatanında Büyüsün (May Children Bring Up in Their Countries) in 1982.


SHORT-STORY: Çocuklar Vata–nında Büyüsün (May Children Bring Up in Their Countries, 1985), Papatyalar Üşümesin (May Daisies Not Be Cold, 1990), Yaralı Küheylân (Wounded Horse, 2004).

POETRY: Erguvan Uğultusu (Hum of the Judas Tree, 1991), Eylül' ün Kırdığı Gül (The Rose that September Hurt, 1994).

ESSAY: Tartışmayı Tartışmak (Arguing the Argument, 1992), Hüzün Yazıları (Melancholy Writings, 1993), Kitapsız Toplum (A Society Without Books, 1994), Nemrut Ateşi (Nemrut Fire, 2004).

STUDY: Büyük Gün / Bir Kıyâmet Alâmeti Olarak Hazreti İsâ'nın Dönüşü (The Great Day / The Return of Jesus as an Evidence of Apocalypse, 2001), Eğitim ve Kültür Trajedimiz /Kendimiz Olmaktan Nasıl Çıktık (Our Education and Culture Tragedy / How Did We Differentiate From Ourself, 2001).



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