Beşir Hamitoğulları


02 Şubat, 1938
Ankara University Faculty of Political Sciences
Diğer İsimler
Mehmet Beşir Hamitoğulları

Economist (b. 2 February 1938, Mardin). His first name is Mehmet. He attended Kızıltepe Merkez Primary School and the Mardin High School (1950), and graduated from Ankara University, Faculty of Political Sciences (1960). He received his PhD at the University of Paris, Faculty of Economics (1961- 65). He became an academician at Ankara University, Faculty of Political Sciences after having returned to Turkey. He became an associate professor in 1973. He was promoted to professorship in 1985. He has worked as a visiting professor at universities in France and England where he did research. He was the Chief Advisor to the Government of Ecevit (1973-74) and Honorary Counselor to Rauf Denktaş, President of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. He was a member of the Consultation Assembly as the representative of Mardin.

His articles have been published in reviews and newspapers such as Siyasal Bilgiler, İstanbul Hukuk, İlim ve Sanat, Dış Politika, Milliyet, Cumhuriyet, Millî Gazete, Türkiye Kültür ve Sanat Yıllığı, Yeni Dönem, etc. He has participated in many scientific meetings as a speaker and has presented papers. He is a member of the Turkish Members of Parliament Union, the Turkish Economic Institution and the UN Turkish Society.


La Planification du Developpement Economique En Turquie (Economic Development Planning in Turkey, 1968), Kapitalist Ülkelerde Devlet Müdahalesinin Anlamı ve Türkiye'de Durum (The Meaning of State Intervention in Capitalist Countries and the Situation in Turkey, 1972), Teknoloji Transferi Sorunu ve Türkiye (Problem of Technology Transfer and Turkey, 1974), Halk Sektörü (The Public Sector, 1974), Uluslararası Ekonomik Düzen ve Türkiye'nin Mekân Boyutu (The International Economic Order and the Dimension of Turkey’s Place, 1977), Kapitalist Toplumun Yaratığı Şoklar ve Roma Kulübü (The Shocks that Capitalist Society Created and Roman Society, in the 70th Anniversary Book to M. Koloğlu p. 91-119, 1975), Çağdaş İktisadi Sistemler-Strüktürel Bir Yaklaşım (Modern Economic Systems - A Structural Approach, 1982), İktisadi Sistemlerin Temelleri (The Foundations of Economic Systems, 1978), İslâmın Kalkınma Modeli (The Development Model of Islam, 1987).

He has also written textbooks and unpublished works. 

REFERENCE: Mücellidoğlu Ali Çankaya / Yeni Mülkiye Tarihi ve Mülkiyeliler (c. VI, 1969), Hamitoğulları’nın Tezi Paris Üniversitesinde Okutulacak (Ankara Bayram gazetesi, 1.3.1969), Çağdaş İktisadi Sistemler (Tercüman, 28.3.1986), İhsan Işık / Yazarlar Sözlüğü (1990, 1998) - Türkiye Yazarlar Ansiklopedisi (2001, 2004) – Encyclopedia of Turkish Authors (2005) - Resimli ve Metin Örnekli Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (2007) – Ünlü Bilim Adamları (Türkiye Ünlüleri Ansiklopedisi, C. 2, 2013) - Encyclopedia of Turkey’s Famous People (2013), Günümüz Türkiyesinde Kim Kimdir (5. bas. 1997).



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