Bergamalı Cevdet Efendi

İslam Bilgini, Çevirmen

08 Şubat, 1825

Islamic scholar, translator (B. February 1873,Alibeyli / Bergama / Izmir – D. February 8, 1825, Kiziltoprak / Istanbul). After receiving his primary education in Bergama, he went to Istanbul. He attended the lectures of Eğinli Ibrahim, one of the lecturers of Hagia Sophia, and he was ratified. He started to teach on February 27, 1898. He was assigned as a member of Board of Fitting students after the declaration of Second Constitution. He was a teacher at Darulhilafe madrasahs and at Darülfünun Religious branch; and after the removal of Religious branch, he served as Interpretation Instructor at the new established Medresetü’l-Mütehassisîn. He was assigned as the member of Dârü’l-Hikmeti’l-Aliyye and as the teacher of Tranquility. During the reign of Mustafa Sabri Efendi as sheikh-ul Islam, he was discharged from his duties. After the education systems were unified and the madrasahs were closed, he became the interpretation teacher at Darülfünun religious Branch. His study on Ebü’l-Alâ el-Maarrî and his poems were not published. He has written poets but his poems never been published as a book.


Tefsirler ve Müfessirler, Edebü’d-Dünyâ ve’d-Dîn (Translation from Mâverdî, Sadl. Yaşar Çalışkan, 1993).

REFERENCE: Cemal Aydın /  “Bir Kitabın Katli ve Millî Eğitim Bakanlığı” (Dergâh, issue: 55, September 1994), İbnülemin Mahmud Kemal İnal / Son Asır Türk Şairleri (vol. I, 1999), Ali Birinci / Tarihin Gölgesinde Meşâhir-i Meçhûleden Birkaç Zat (2001), İhsan Işık (TEKAA, 2009).


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