Mehmet Niyazi Özdemir

Yayıncı, Yazar

08 Nisan, 1942
11 Mayıs, 2018
Istanbul University Faculty of Law

Novelist, writer (b. 8 May 1942, Akyazı / Adapazarı - d. 11 May 2018, Istanbul). He attended the Akyazı Primary School (1953), İstanbul Haydarpaşa High School (1959) and graduated from İstanbul University, Faculty of Law (1964). He conducted research in the universities of Marburg, Bonn and Köln in Germany. He stayed in Germany for years. He engaged in publishing when he returned home.

He published his first article titled Vatan (Homeland) in the review Millî Hareket in 1067 and his other works in the newspapers Türkiye, Babıalide Sabah, Gündüz, Zaman (1987), Muhalif (1999), Tercüman and in the reviews Yeni Akademi, Yeni Hafta, Ufuk Çizgisi, Türk Yurdu, İnsan ve Kâinat, Türk Edebiyatı and Beyan (1999). He won the Turkey National Culture Foundation’s Novel of the Year Award in 1982 with his novel Ölüm Daha Güzeldi (Death Was Better) which was adapted to the radio and TV. He also received the Writers Union of Turkey Novel Award in 1999 with his work “Çanakkale” (Çanakkale). His novel Ölüm Daha Güzeldi (Death Was Better) was translated into Arabian. He is famous for his novels written under the pen name of Mehmet Niyazi. He attached importance to national issues in his works. He explains his opinions on the social structure of Turkey in his works.


NOVEL: Varolmak Kavgası (The Fight of Existence, 1969; with a new arrangement, 1988), Çağımızın Aşıkları (The Lovers of our Age, 1977; new script with the name İki Dünya Arasında-Between Two Worlds, 1992), Ölüm Daha Güzeldi (Death was Better, the life of Tahir Mihmandarlı, 1982), Yazılmamış Destanlar (The Unwritten Legends, 1989), Çanakkale Mahşeri (The Hell of Çanakkale, documentary novel, 1998), Dâhiler ve Deliler (The Genius’ and the Mads, 2001).

SHORT STORY: Bayram Hediyesi (The Present of the Religious Festival, 1971; new edition, 2001).

STUDY-RESEARCH: Millet ve Milliyetçilik (Nation and Nationalism, 1980), İslâm Devlet Felsefesi (The Phi1osopy of State in Islam, 1988), Türk Devlet Felsefesi (The Philosophy of Turkish State, 1989), Medeniyet Ülkesini Arıyor (Civilization Looking for its Country, 1991), Türkiye’nin Meseleleri I-Kültür (The Issues of Turkey I-Culture, 1992), Türkiye’nin Meseleleri II-Devlet (The Issues of Turkey II-State, 1992), Medeniyetimizin Analizi ve Geleceği (Analysis and Future of our Civilization, 2000), Millet ve Şark Milliyetçiliği (The Nation and the Oriental Nationalism, 2000), Mütareke ve Kurtuluş Savaşının Başlangıç Döneminde Türk Demir Yolları: Yapısal ve Ekonomik Sorunlar: 1918 – 1920 (Turkish Railway System in the Beginning Years of Armistice and the National Struggle: Structural and Economical Problems 1918-1920, 2003). 

REFERENCE: İhsan Işık / Yazarlar Sözlüğü (1990, 1998) - Türkiye Yazarlar Ansiklopedisi (2001, 2004) – Encyclopedia of Turkish Authors (2005) - Resimli ve Metin Örnekli Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (2006, gen. 2. bas. 2007), Baki Günay / Mehmed Niyazi: “Biz Tarihimize Bir Yabancıdan Daha Uzağız” (Kitap Haber, Temmuz-Ağustos 1999), Mehmet Nuri Yardım / Romancılar Konuşuyor (2000; Arşivlerden Gerçekleri Çıkaran Mehmed Niyazi: Çanakkale Bir Destandır, s. 177-179) - Unutulmayan Edebiyatçılarımız (2004), Ahmet Kabaklı / Türk Edebiyatı (c. 5, 11. bas. 2002).



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