Kemal Karpat


15 Şubat, 1926
21 Şubat, 2019
İstanbul University Faculty of Law
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Kemal Haşim Karpat (tam adı)

Historian (b.  15th February 1926 in the village of Babadağ / Dobruja /Romania - d. 21 February 2019, Wisconsin / USA). His full name is Kemal Haşim Karpat. He comes from a family of Tatar origin who migrated from Crimea to Dobruja, and to Anatolia from there. He grew up in North Dobruja. He was impressed from the multi-cultural and multi-faith structure of this region that was a typical Ottoman country. This multi-cultural environment helped him to understand many problems afterwards. He says that he read many books in the village library in his childhood but that he also needed someone who would instruct him. However, he also says that the books gave him an advantage that cannot be ignored. He indicates that another factor in his growing up is the event that the Turks in Romania migrated to Turkey.

After finishing the Law Faculty of the İstanbul University, he studied for the master degree and doctorate degree on the subject of political and social sciences in the universities of Washington and Rewington. He is also the founder of the Department of Ottoman History in the University of Rewington. After specializing in the field history in Romania, he participated in various courses on the topic of American history, Russian history, Middle East history and Ottoman history. He owns one hundred and thirty articles published in twenty countries and sixteen published books. He has the opinion that the foundations of the Turkish Republic were laid by Abdülhamit II.

Kemal Karpat started his academic studies in 1950 in New York and Washington (USA) universities. After his duty in the Social Researches Department of the United Unions (1952-53), he worked as an academician and manager in science institutions such as the State University of Montana (1957-62), the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences of METU (1958-59), the Harvard University (1960-61), the Robert College (1962), the Faculty of Political Sciences of Ankara University (1962), the Colombia University (1963), the New York University (1966), again the New York University (1962-67), the John Hopkins University (1967), the Department of History of the Wisconsin University (1967), the Department of Social Sciences of METU (1968-71), the Princeton University (1972), the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Science Sociales (Paris, 1984) and in Bilkent University (1992-93). He carried on the tasks of Chief of Department of the Middle East Studies of the Wisconsin University in the years of 1970-88 and the Chief of Department of the Central Asia Studies Program of the same university in the years of 1989-95.

Prof. Karpat also took charge in the editorial commissions of the journals International Journal of Turkish Studies, Central Asian Survey and Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs. He wrote paragraphs on topics such as Balkans, Romania and immigrants in the TDV İslâm Ansiklopedisi. The work named “Ottoman Population” published by the Wisconsin University is his work which attracted the highest attention in the world.

As an immigrant, Kemal Karpat focused on the impacts of the migration on humans in his studies and he also prepared a book in this period.

Prof. Karpat witnessed the first half of the history of the Turkish Republic and he watched the development process of Turkey both from the inside and from the outside with the sensibility of a historian. In addition to his historian identity, he is also known in the world with the studies he conducted on the fields of political and social sciences. He has gone to every corner of the globe, given lessons in various universities and he participated in scientific meetings and seminars in reputable international institutions. He left lasting impressions on the world of thought and he is considered as a scientific authority with his works.

Kemal Karpat is the founding member and the president of the Türk Araştırmaları Community (T.N. Turkish Researches) in America and also the founder of the Orta Asya Community (ACAS - T.N. Middle Asia Community). He also presided the Türk Araştırmaları Association and the Türk Araştırmaları Institution. He was the founding member and the president of the MESA- Ortadoğu Çalışmaları (T.N. Middle East Works) Association. He was awarded the Romanian Independence Medal and the Dimiti Cantemir Medal of the Bucharest University because of his studies concerning Romania. He was given the doctorates of honor by the Romania Ovidius University and Russia Chuvash State University. He received the awards of the honorary membership of the Kazan Sciences Academy in Russia, Hilldale Award from the Wisconsin University and Turkish Sciences Academy Award . He was deemed worthy of the Outstanding Service Award of TYB in 2005. He took on the task of the presidency of the Türk Araştırmaları Association (1971-74) and the founding membership of the Orta Asya Çalışmaları Association (1985-95). He is the owner of the Honor Award 2009 of TBMM and he is the honor member of the Turkish History Institution.


TURKISH: Türk Demokrasi Tarihi (1967), Gecekondu Üzerine (1973), Türkiye’de Toplumsal Dönüşüm (1976), Osmanlı ve Dünya (2000), Osmanlı’da Hoşgörü (Editing, 2000), Ortadoğu’da Osmanlı Mirası ve Ulusçuluk (2001), Osmanlı Modernleşmesi (2002), Türkiye ve Orta Asya (2003), Osmanlı Nüfusu 1830-1914 (2003), Balkanlar’da Osmanlı Mirası ve Ulusçuluk (2004), İslâm’ın Siyasallaşması (2004), Osmanlı Geçmişi ve Bugünün Türkiye’si, Çağdaş Türk Edebiyatında Sosyal Konular, Osmanlı’da Değişim Modernleşme ve Ulusçuluk (2005), Türkiye’de Siyasal Sistemin Evrimi [1876-1980] (2005).

ENGLISH: Turkey’s Politics: The Transition to a Multi-Parti System (1959), Political Modernization in Japan and Turkey (1964), Political and Social Thought in the Contemporary Middle East (1968), The Middle East and North Africa (1969), An Inquiry into the Social Foundations of Nationalism in the Ottoman State (1973), Social Change and Politics in Turkey (1973), The Ottoman State and Its Place in World History (Ed. 1974), Turkey’s Foreign Policy in Transition (1975), Ottoman Population 1830-1914 Demographic and Social Characteristics (1985), Central Asian Survey (Ed. 1987), The Turks of Bulgaria: The Social-Political History of a Minority (1990), Central Asian Survey (Ed. 1994), Foreign Policy of Turkey Recent Development (Ed., 1994), Ottoman Past and Today’s Turkey (2000), The Politicization of Islam: Reconstruction and Identity State Faith and Community in the Late Ottoman State (2001). 

REFERENCE: Osmanlı ve Dünya (Virgül, sayı: 33, Eylül 2000), Arif Gülderen / Osmanlı Nüfusu 1830-1914 (Virgül, sayı: 64, Temmuz-Ağustos 2003), İhsan Işık / Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (2006), TBMM Onur Ödülü Karpat’a (Sabah, 26 Haziran 2009), TBMM Onur Ödülü Karpat’a verildi (Hürriyet, 26 Haziran 2009), İhsan Işık / Ünlü Bilim Adamları (Türkiye Ünlüleri Ansiklopedisi, C. 2, 2013) - Encyclopedia of Turkey’s Famous People (2013), Tarihçi Kemal Karpat vefat etti (, 21.02.2019).



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