Mehmet Emin Resulzade

Devlet Adamı, Siyasetçi

31 Ocak, 1884
06 Mart, 1955
Baku Technical School

Politician and statesman (B. 31 January, 1884, Novhanı Village/ Baku/ Azerbaijan-D. 6 March, 1955, Ankara). He studied in Russian-Muslim school then Baku Technical School. At the beginning of the century, he began to his social-political and literature activities. When he was seventeen, he established the first political organization Muslim Youth Organization against Russian colony in Azerbaijan. He wrote about the situation of Azerbaijan people and Turks situation in Himmet, Tekamül, Füyuzat, İrşat, Terakki newspapers. In Tabriz, he had a meeting with Settarhan who was the national hero of Azerbaijan, published newspapers and books. Because of the oppression of char government, he moved to Turkey from Iran and he continued to his political and literature studies in Istanbul. In 1913, he took the benefit of general amnesty which was for the 300th anniversary of Romanov’s family and returned to his country and became the leader of Musavat Party.  In October 1917, he was elected as the party leader of Musavat Party. During the establishment of Azerbaijan Democratic Republics, he became the head of National Council and he worked very hard until the XI. Red Army came in to Azerbaijan.

Although he was imprisoned after 1920 April rebellion, he was released by Stalin. He was sent to Moscow from Bayıl Prison. Müsavat people helped him to escape to Finland with a boat. He lived his exile years in Europe and Turkey. He had a deep hope about the Azerbaijan’s independence and independence of the country and he expressed his opinions in the newspapers, magazines and books he published. He passed away because of his diabetes in Ankara University Medical School. He said “Azerbaijan... Azerbaijan... Azerbaijan...” in his last words and he passed away. He was buried in to Ankara Asri Cemetery.


Karanlıkta Işıklar (1908), Cemaat İdaresi (1917), Bize Hangi İdare Faydalıdır (1917), Azerbaycan Teşekkülünde Müsavat (1918), Azerbaycan Cumhuriyeti (1919), Azerbaycan Cumhuriyeti Keyfiyeti Teşekküli ve Şimdiki Vaziyeti (1922), Asrımızın Siyavuşu (1922), İstiklâl Mefkuresi ve Gençlik (1922), Rusya’da Siyasî Vaziyet (1922), Azerbaycan Misak-ı Millisi (1927), Milliyetçilik ve Bolşevizm (1928), İhtilâlci Sosyalizmin İflâsı ve Demokrasinin Ge­leceği (1928), Kafkasya Türkleri (1928), Çağdaş Azerbaycan Edebiyatı (1936), Azerbaycan Kültür Gelenekleri (1949), Çağdaş Azerbaycan Edebiyatı (1950), Çağdaş Azerbaycan Tarihi (1951), Azerbaycan Şâiri Nizâmî (1951).

REFERENCE: Seyid Hasan Tağizade / Sühen dergisi (Tahran, 1955, issue: 4), Ertuğrul Yaman / Türkiye’deki Türk Dünyası (with A.K. Bolaç – A. Esatoğlu, 1998), İhsan Işık / Resimli ve Metin Örnekli Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (The 2nd edition, 2009).



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