Adil Babayev

Playwright, Translator, Writer, Poet

12 January, 1925
19 August, 1977
Other Names
Adil Gafaroğlu Babayev

Poet, playwright, translator (b. 12 January 1925, Nakhchivan - d. 19 August 1977, Baku). His full name is Adil Gafar Oğlu Babayev. He has works on theatre history and stage services. He translated the works of well known writers such as A.S. Pushkin, M.Y. Lermontov, N.A. Neksarov, R. Tagor, N. Barataşvili, A. Kunanbayev into Azerbaijan Turkish.


POETRY: İlk Adımlar (First Steps, 1949), Ana Yüreği (Heart of a Mother, 1957), Anamın Yüzüğü (The Ring of My Mother, 1962), Şehitlerin İsyanı (The Rebellion of the Martyres, 1969), Mimarın Aşkı (The Love of The Architect, 1972), Yolda Görüş (Road Sight, 1974).

PLAY: Dağlar Kızı (Girl of the Mountains, 1960), Benim Aşkım (My Love, 1971).


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