Ziyaeddin Fahri Fındıkoğlu

Sosyolog, İktisatçı, Düşünür

16 Kasım, 1974
Istanbul University Faculty of Literature

Writer (b. 1901, Tortum / Erzurum – d. 16 October 1974, İstanbul). He attended primary schools in Kayseri and İstanbul and graduated from Istanbul University, Faculty of Literature (1925). He gave lectures on philosophy, sociology and literature at high schools in Erzurum (1925-28), Sivas (1926-27) and Ankara (1928-29). He was sent to Strasbourg University (France) by the state and there he received his doctorate degree with the thesis “Ziya Gökalp, Hayatı ve Sosyolojisi” (Ziyâ Gökalp: His Life and Sociology, 1936).

When he returned home, he was appointed as a lecturer on doctor of ethics to İstanbul University, Faculty of Literature. He was transferred to the Faculty of Economics following its establishment (1938). He became a professor (1942), and then a professor in ordinary (1958). Besides, he gave lectures at Faculty of Literature and the Faculty of Law. He served as the dean of the Faculty of Economics. He was the head of the Institute of Social Sciences and Institute of Journalism. His grave is at Edirnekapı War Graveyard .

With his friends, like İshak Refet Işıtman, the deputy of Diyarbakır, and teacher İhsan Hamdi, he established the Association for Turkish Folklore Science in Ankara. Afterwards, this association was moved in İstanbul and a publishing branch was established, which later published the Halk Bilgisi Mecmuası and Türk Folklor Araştırmaları (1934). His articles were published in these reviews. Moreover, he wrote for the review Anadolu in 1924, and his articles appeared in Halk, Hakimiyet-i Milliyet, Cumhuriyet, Hür Söz (Erzurum), in the review Bilgi Mecmuası, which he published and in the newspaper Meslek Gazetesi. In his works, he supported the idea of Anatolian nationalism. He was influenced by the views of Ziya Gökalp, Le Play and Prince Sabahattin. He gathered a “Congress of Language” in 1948 to support who defended a purification in the Turkish language.


Erzurum Şairleri (Poets of Erzurum, 1927), Bediiyat (Aesthetics, 1927), Bayburtlu Zihni (Bayburtlu Zihni, 1928), Zorlara Dağlar Dayanmaz (Mountains cannot Stop the Determined Mind, travel notes from Europe, with the pen name Ahmet Halil, 1934), Ziya Gökâlp, Sa vie et Sa Sociologie (Ziya Gökalp, His Life and Sociology, 1935), Türkiye'de Aile Düzeninin Değişmesi Üzerine Deneme (Essays on the Shift in Family Order in Turkey, in French, 1935), Bir Davranış Sosyolojisinin Felsefi Temeli (Philosophical Basis of a Behavioral Sociology, 1936), İbn Haldun'un Hukuka Ait Fikirleri ve Tesiri (Ibn Khaldun’s Effects and Ideas on Law, 1939), İbn Haldun (Ibn Khaldun, in collaboration with Hilmi Ziya Ülken, 1940), İçtimaiyyata Giriş (An Introduction to Sociology, 1944), Hukuk Sosyolojisi (Sociology of Law, 1944), Ahlâk Tarihi (History of Ethics, two volumes, 1945-46), Sosyalizm Eflatun'dan Marx'a kadar (Socialism from Plato to Marx, 1949), İçtimaiyyat / Sosyal İlimlerde Metodoloji Nazariyeleri (Sociology / Perspectives of Methodology in Social Sciences, 1947), Sosyal Doktrinler Sosyolojisi (Sociology of Social Doctrines, 1947), Türkiye'de Kooperatifçilik (Cooperatives in Turkey, 1953), Ziya Gökâlp Hakkında Yazdıklarım ve Söylediklerim (What I Said and Wrote about Ziya Gökalp, 1955), Hukuk Sosyolojisi (Sociology of Law, 1958), Le Play Mektebi ve Prens Sabahattin (Le Play School and Prince Sabahattin, 1962), İktisat Sosyolojisi Açısından Sosyalizm (Socialism from the Perspective of Sociology of Economics, 1965), Kooperasyon Sosyolojisi (Cooperation Sociology, 1967), İçtimaiyyat Dersleri (Lectures of Sociology, 1971).

REFERENCE: Amiran Kurtkan / Fındıkoğlu Bibliyografya­sı: 1918-58 (1958), Cavit Orhan Tütengil / Bir Sosyologun Ölümü (1976), Hüseyin Avni Göktürk / Profesör Ziyaeddin Fahri Fındıkoğlu'nu Anarken (Fındıkoğlu Armağanı, 1977), İhsan Işık / Yazarlar Sözlüğü (1990, 1998) - Türkiye Yazarlar Ansiklopedisi (2001, 2004) – Encyclopedia of Turkish Authors (2005) - Resimli ve Metin Örnekli Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (2006, gen. 2. bas. 2007) - Ünlü Fikir ve Kültür Adamları (Türkiye Ünlüleri Ansiklopedisi, C. 3, 2013) - Encyclopedia of Turkey’s Famous People (2013), Emre Kongar / Türk Toplumbilimcileri (1988), Nevin Güngör / Ziyaeddin Fahri Fındıkoğlu (1991), Mustafa E. Erkal / TDV İslam Ansiklopedisi (c. 13, s. 28-29-30, 1996), TBE Ansiklopedisi (s. 435-436, 2001).


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