Zeynep Kerman

Edebiyat Araştırmacısı

Istanbul University Faculty of Literature Department of Turkish Language and Literature

Literature researcher (b. 1942, İstanbul). After attending Notre Dame de Sion Private French School for Girls and Erenköy High School for Girls, she graduated from Istanbul University, Faculty of Literature, Department of Turkish Language and Literature. After working as a high school teacher, she served as a lecturer at the  Institute of Turkology (1970). She became an assistant in the Department of Turkish Language and Literature (1974) and then became a literature professor with her thesis on Victor Hugo'dan Türkçe'ye Yapılan Tercümeler Üzerinde Bir Araştırma (A Research on the Turkish Translations of Victor Hugo Between the Years 1865-1910, 1975) and she became a assistant professor with her thesis on Halid Ziya Uşaklıgil'in Romanlarında Batılı Yaşayış Tarzı ile İlgili Unsurlar  (The Elements Related to Western Lifestyle in Novels of Halit Ziya Uşaklıgil 1980).

Her compilations and translation works have been published in Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Ansiklopedisi (Turkish Language and Literature Encyclopedia) and the reviews Türkiyat Mecmuası, Türk Edebiyatı, Hareket, Dünya Edebiyatından Seçmeler, Tarih, Millî Kültür etc.


Edebiyat Üzerine Makaleler (Articles on Literature, prepared for publication by Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar, 1969), Sergüzeşt (Adventure, simplification from Sami Paşazade Sezai, 1972), Mektuplar (The Letters, edited by A. H. Tanpınar, 1974), 1862-1910 Yılları Arasında Victor Hugo'dan Yapılan Tercümeler Üzerinde Bir Araştırma (A Research on the Turkish Translations of Victor Hugo Between the Years 1865-1910, PhD Thesis, 1978), Yeni Türk Edebiyatı Antolojisi III (The New Turkish Literature Anthology, with M. Kaplan, İ. Enginün and B. Emil, 1979), Sami Paşazade Sezai'nin Hikâye-Hâtıra-Mektup ve Edebî Makaleleri (Short Stories- Memories- Letters and Literary Articles of Sami Paşazade Sezai, 1981), Ahmet Haşim Bütün Şiirleri (Ahmet Haşim, All Poems, with İ. Enginün, 1987).



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