Ali Reşat


Ankara University School of Politics

History (B. 1877, Lofça- D. 1929, İstanbul). He was graduated from İstanbul High School and Civil School (1897). He worked as history teacher in Mercan and İstanbul High School, İstanbul Higher Teacher School (1908-13). After he worked as Education Counselor and member of the Translation Council, he gave history lectures in Faculty of Literature. His last duty was Education Inspectorships.

His articles were published in İkdam, Saadet, Sabah and Tasvir newspapers. He is one of  the well known historians of latest century. Also he has a series of history books for primary, secondary and high schools.


RESEARCH: Dreyfüs Meselesi ve Esbab-ı Hafiyesi (with İ. H. Baban 1897), Bismark - Hayat-ı Hususiye ve Siyasiyesi (with İ. H. Baban, 1909), Devlet-i Osmaniye Nokta-i Nazarından Tarih-i Osmanî (1911), Devlet-i Osmaniye Asr-ı Hâzır Tarihi (1912), Türkiye ve Tanzimat (1912), Musavver Dairetül Maarif (illustrated educational institutions, 1914), Çocuklara Tarih Dersleri (1915).

TRANSLATION: Mufassal Musavver Fransa İhtilal-i Kebiri (with Macar İskender, 1914), Kapitülâsyonlar- Tarihi Menşei Asılları (with Macar İskender, 1914), Cihan Muvazenesinin Bozulması (from Gustave le Bon).

REFERENCE: Mücellidoğlu Ali Çankaya / Yeni Mülkiye Tarihi ve Mülkiyeliler (vol. III, 1968), Şükran Kurdakul / Şairler ve Yazarlar Sözlüğü (exp. ed. 6, 1999).


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