Ali Muzaffer Göker

Diplomat, Tarihçi, Siyasetçi

Ecole Libre des Sciences Politiques

Historian (b. 1890, İstanbul - d. 1959). He graduated from Mercan High School and the School for Civil Servants. He was also educated at the Ecole Libre des Sciences Politiques in Paris. When he returned to Turkey, he was appointed as associate professor of history at İstanbul University Faculty of Literature and became professor in 1914. He took part in the foundation of the Faculty of Language, History and Geography. He lectured on political history at Ankara University, Faculty of Law. He was elected as a parliamentary deputy for Konya in 1934. He also worked at embassies in Tokyo, Canada and Moscow.


Türk Tarih Kurumu'nun İlmî Faaliyetleri Hakkında Rapor (Report on the Scientific Studies of the Turkish Historical Society, 1930), İkinci Tarih Kongresi (The Second History Congress, 1931), Türklerde Sanayi (Industry in the Turks, 1932), Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nun Avrupa ile Ticarî Münasebetleri (The Commercial Relationships Between Europe and the Ottomans, 1933), Umumi Tarih (General History, 1935), Ondo–kuzuncu Asrın Diplomasi Tarihi (Diplo–matic History in the 19th Century, 1936).


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