Edip Cansever


08 August, 1928
28 May, 1986
Istanbul High School for Boys
Other Names
Ömer Edip Cansever

Poet (b. 9 August 1928, İstanbul – d. 28 May 1986, İstanbul). After attending the Haseki 56. Primary School, he completed his secondary school education in Gelenbevi Secondary School and Kumkapı Secondary School. He graduated from Istanbul High School for Boys (1946). Then, he began to work at his father’s workplace in the Old Bazaar. After completing his military service in Ankara, he opened an antique shop in the Old Bazaar (1950). He gave up trade in 1975 after working for long years in this business, and focused on poetry. Following a gastric bleeding caused by cirrhosis, he was taken to İstanbul from Bodrum and died there.

His interest in literature started in his childhood. He published his first poem in the review İstanbul (1 March 1944). He reflected the depressions, idleness, happiness and yearnings of the people in the mid of chaotic city life in his poems of his early period. He published these poems in the reviews İstanbul, Yücel, Fikirler, Edebiyat Dünyası, Nokta and Yenilik. The review Nokta, which was published by him and his friends for eight issues, coincided with a new phase of Turkish poetry (15 January 1951 – 15 November 1951). Meanwhile, he published his poems in the review Yeditepe.

Cansever, who sought a style for his poetry between 1944 and 1954, was indicated as one of the pioneering poets of the Second New generation. He was one of the first poets, who wrote different poems with regard to both form and essence, in the Turkish poetry of the Republican era. He was one of the pioneers of the movement of the Second New with his poems, which were closed and difficult to understand. He collected the Yeditepe Poetry Award in 1958 with his book titled Yerçekimli Karanfil (The Carnation with Gravity); the Turkish Language Association Poetry Award in 1977 with his book titled Ben Ruhi Bey Nasılım (I am Ruhi Bey, How am I); and the Sedat Simavi Foundation Literature Award in 1981 with his book titled Yeniden (Again).


İkindi Üstü (After Afternoon, 1947), Dirlik Düzenlik (Unity and Order, 1954), Yerçekimli Karanfil (The Carnation with Gravity, 1957), Umutsuzlar Parkı (The Park of Desperates, 1958), Petrol (Petroleum, 1959), Nerde Antigone (Where is Antigone, 1961), Tragedyalar (Tragedies, 1964), Çağrılmayan Yakup (Yakup Not Invited, 1969), Kirli Ağustos (Dirty August, 1970), Sonrası Kalır (The Rest Remains, 1974), Ben Ruhi Bey Nasılım (I am Ruhi Bey, How am I, 1976), Sevda ile Sevi (Love and Affection, 1977), Şairin Seyir Defteri (The Logbook of the Poet, 1980), Yeniden (Again, all poems, 1981), Bezik oynayan Kadınlar (The Women Who Play Bezique, 1982), İlkyaz Şikâyetçileri (The Complainers of Spring, 1982), Oteller Kenti (The City of Hotels, 1985), Gün Dönüyor Avucumda (The Sun Revolves in My Palm, poems in prose, 1987), Karanfil Elden Ele (The Carnation from Hand to Hand, selected poems, 2002). 

REFERENCE: Sezai Karakoç / Bir Materyalist Şiiri I-II (Pazar Postası, sayı: 17, 27 Nisan 1958; sayı: 18, 4.5.1958) - Edebiyat Yazıları-II (1986), Doğan Hızlan / Varoluşçu Veriler (Yeni Dergi, sayı: 6, Mart 1965), Hüseyin Cöntürk - Asım Bezirci / Turgut Uyar - Edip Cansever (1961), Mehmet Kaplan / Cumhuriyet Devri Türk Şiiri-II (1973), Ahmet Oktay / Eski Bir Kırgının Şikayetleri (Yeni Gündem, sayı: 8, 16-31.8.1984) - Kimsenin İlgilenmediği Olayların Tarihçisi Edip Cansever (Hürriyet Gösteri, sayı: 255, Ocak 2004), Füsun Akatlı / “Ahmet Abi, Güzelim Bir Mendil Niye Kanar?” (Hürriyet Gösteri, sayı: 68, Temmuz 1986), Gül Dönüyor Avucumda (1987), Erdal Öz / Edip Cansever’in Mektupları (Yeni Düşün, sayı: 64, Yaz 1990), İhsan Işık / Yazarlar Sözlüğü (1990, 1998) - Türkiye Yazarlar Ansiklopedisi (2001, 2004) – Encyclopedia of Turkish Authors (2005) - Resimli ve Metin Örnekli Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (2006, gen. 2. bas. 2007) - Ünlü Edebiyatçılar (Türkiye Ünlüleri Ansiklopedisi, C. 4, 2013) - Encyclopedia of Turkey’s Famous People (2013), Mehmet H. Doğan / Şair Edip Cansever (Adam Sanat, sayı: 128, Temmuz 1996), Veysel Çolak / Edip Cansever’de Şairin Kanı (1996), Memet Fuat Bengü / Edip Cansever (1997), Fethi Naci / Dönüp Baktığımda (1999), Behçet Necatigil / Edebiyatımızda İsimler Sözlüğü (18. bas. 1999), Şükran Kurdakul / Şairler ve Yazarlar Sözlüğü (gen. 6. bas. 1999), TBE Ansiklopedisi (2001), Cevat Akkanat / Gelenek ve İkinci Yeni Şiiri (2002), Anıl Meriçelli / Yalnızlık Mevsim Olur (2002), Didem Özdemir / Cansever-Şiirleri ve Şiirlerinden Yapılan Oyunlarla Hep Aramızda - Edip Cansever Şiirinde Anlam Arayışları (Cumhuriyet Kitap, 4.7.2002), Mustafa Şerif Onaran / Ömer Edip’ten Edip Cansever’e Şiirli Yol (Varlık, sayı: 1135, Nisan 2002), Tomris Uyar / Gündönümü Bir Uyumsuzun Notları I-II (2003), Erhan Altan / “Yuvarlanıyorum İlkyaz”a Bir Yorum Denemesi (Adam Sanat, sayı: 209, Haziran 2003), Yakup Altınyaprak / Edip Cansever ve Turgut Uyar Şiirinde Modern Yaşamın Parametreleri (Dergâh, sayı: 172, Haziran 2004), Dinçer Eşitgin / Edip Cansever Şiirinin Üç Hâli (Sonsuzluk ve Bir Gün, sayı: 2, Mayıs-Haziran 2005). 


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