Çetin Yetkin

Hukukçu, Yazar

Ankara University Faculty of Law

Writer (b. 1939, İstanbul). He graduated from TED Ankara College and Ankara University, Faculty of Law. He completed his PhD on law philosophy at the same university (1965- 69). He worked as an assistant public prosecutor in İstanbul and Ankara. He worked as an academician at The Faculty of İstanbul Economics and Commercial Studies since 1980. He became an associate professor of politics at Marmara University, Faculty of Political and Administrative Studies in 1982. He worked as a journalist-writer and adviser in the newspapers Güneş, Hürriyet and Milliyet between 1986 and 1991. He worked as an academician at Antalya Akdeniz University, Faculty of Science and Letters from 1991. He became a professor of Revolution History in 1992 and retired voluntarily in 1997. He took awards from various newspapers. He published his articles in his review Müdafaa-i Hukuk and in the newspaper Akdeniz Atılım.


Kaba Kuvvet Felsefesi, Doğuşu ve Gelişimi (Philosophy of Force, Origins and Development, 1969), Direnme ve Devrim - Kavramlar (Struggle and Revolution – Notions, 1969), Siyasal İktidar Sanata Karşı (Political Power is Against the Art, 1970), Etnik ve Toplumsal Yönleriyle Türk Halk Hareketleri ve Devrimler (Turkish People Actions and Revolutions With Theirs Ethnical and Social Aspects, in 2 volumes, 1974), Topluma Karşı Türk Yazını (Turkish Literature Against The Society, 1980), Atatürk'ün Başarısız Demokrasi Devrimi: Serbest Cumhuriyet Fırkası (Failed Democracy Experiment of Atatürk : Free Republic Party, 1982), Türkiye'de Tek Parti Yönetimi 1930-1945 (Single Party Rule in Turkey, 1983), Sosyoekonomik Temelleriyle Siyasal Düşünceler Tarihi (Political Thoughts History with Its Socioeconomic Origins, 1985), İktidar (Political Power, 1987), Türkiye'nin Devlet Yaşamında Yahudiler (Jews in the Government Life of Turkey, 1992), Bir Savcının Not Defterinden (From the Note Book of An Public Prosecutor, 1994), 12 Eylül'de İrtica Niçin ve Nasıl Gelişti (Why and How Political Reaction Did Developed in 12 September, 1994), Türkiye'de Askeri Darbeler ve Amerika (Military Coups in Turkey and United States, 1995), Yoksa Türk Değil misiniz? (Or You Are Not A Turkish?, 1996), Vatan Sağ Olsun (Long Live My Country, 1997), Yoksa Türk Düşmanı mısınız? (Or You Are A Turkish Enemy, 1998), Batılıların Kirli Yüzü Struma (Struma The Dirty Face of the Western, 2002).


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