Tahsin Demiray


Kadıköy High School

     Writer (b. 1903, İstanbul – d. 1971). He completed his primary education at Kadıköy Numune School. After graduating from Kadıköy High School (1919), he worked as a teacher in Bolu and İstanbul. Meanwhile he graduated from İstanbul Teachers School (1923) and enrolled at the Faculty of Literature but discontinuing his study he started to work in publishing. He was one of the founders of the Turkish Villagers Party (1952).

Demiray helped in the foundation of the Justice Party and was elected İstanbul parliamentary deputy for this party in 1961. After the announcement of the Republic, he moved to İstanbul and published the reviews Yeni Yol Mecmuası (1923) and Resimli Mecmua (1924). He published textbooks and reference books for schools after having established the Türkiye Publishing House. He also published the reviews Yavru Türk, Ev-İş, Yıldız, El İşleri, 1001 Roman, Hafta and Çocuk Haftası.


İlkokullar İçin İlk Türk Alfabesi (Turkish Alphabet for Primary School, 1928), Büyük Dünya Hava Savaşı (The Great World War, 1936), Dokuz Yıldız Münasebetiyle (On the Occurrence of Nine Stars, 1945), İlkokullar İçin Temel Bilgiler (Fundamental Information for Primary Schools, various encyclopedic publications under this title, 1949-50), Arkada Bıraktığım Küçük İşaret Taşları (Little Signs I Left Behind, memoirs, 1955), Toplum Yapımıza Tarih İçinden Bir Bakış (A View of our Social Structure Through History, 1955), Fiske Taşları (Skimming Stones, 1956), Hindistan Mücahidi Ahmed Azad ve İngiliz Mahkemesi Önündeki Nutku (The India Fighter Ahmet Azad and His Speech Before the English Court, 1956), Eğitimimize Sol Akımların Girişi ve Öncüleri (The Emergence of Leftist Movements in our Education and Its Pioneers, 1967), İstiklal Harbimizin Müdafaası (Defending Our War of Independence, 1969), Buhranlarımızın Temel Sebepleri (Principal Reasons of our Depression, 1970). 


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