Ömer Sabuncu

, Researcher - Writer, Theologist

Harran Univertsty

Ömer Sabuncu is a theologian, calligrapher and marbling artist. He was born in Sanliurfa in 1965. After completing primary school and Imam Hatip High School, he respectively graduated from the Faculty of Economics in the Open Education System of Anadolu University in 1989, Harran University Vocational School Market Research and Advertising Department in 2001 and Harran University Faculty of Theology in 2005. In 2008, Sabuncu completed his master thesis titled  "The Life and Personality of the Prophet’s wife, Khadija" at Institute of Social Sciences in Harran University, Department of Islamic History and Arts and in 2015, he completed his PhD titled "The Life, Personality and Place of Hazrat Aisha in the History of Islam". In 2016, he was appointed an assistant professor at Harran University, Faculty of Theology. His articles were published in Harran University Theology Faculty Journal, Diyanet Monthly Magazine, Cumhuriyet Theology Faculty Journal and the Jorunal of İSTEM.

Sabuncu practised thuluth and naskh before Calligrapher Mustafa Kaçar. After unprofessionally working marbling for a while, in 2002 he met Timuçin Tanarslan, Turkey's first marbling artist who has the ijâzah of that art. At his invitation, Sabuncu started marbling in his workshop. He continued his art work with him until the death of Mustafa Kaçar on April 11, 2015. He brought calligraphy with marbling together without disrupting its originality with the methods he learned from his teacher.

He won first place in 2005 and 2006 in the Traditional Marbling Competitions organized by Şanlıurfa Municipality. In 2009, Sabuncu was deemed worthy of the achivement award for marbling branch in the 15th Turkish Decorative Arts Competitions and in 2014, he was given the ijâzah of marbling by Timuçin Tanarslan. In 2014, at the invitation of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, he represented our country with his master Timuçin Tanarslan at Unesco for the registration of marbling on behalf of Turkey. In 2017, within the scope of a project supported by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, he brought art together young people under the name "Marbling Seminar, Application and Exhibition" at four universities. In 2018, at the invitation of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, he performed marbling in Beijing and Shanghay, within the scope of the activities for "Turkey Tourism Year in China".

He participated in many exhibitions at home and abroad, 15 of whom were personal. He coordinated art competitions and exhibitions. He worked as an art consultant. Sabuncu, who owns the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Turkish Decorative Arts Artist, Ebru Dal "Artist Promotion Card", has been working as a faculty member at Harran University Faculty of Theology, Department of Islamic History and Arts as of 2020.




Copyright Books


1.                   Hz. Ebu Bekir, Beyan Yayınları, İstanbul, 2020.

2.                   Yahudi Asıllı Sahâbîler, Siyer Yayınları, İstanbul, 2019.

3.                   Hz. Âişe Bint Ebî Bekir, Siyer Yayınları, İstanbul, 2019.

4.                   Hz. Hatice Bint Huveylid, Siyer Yayınları, İstanbul, 2019.

5.                   Hz. Safiyye Bint Huyey, Siyer Yayınları, İstanbul, 2019.

6.                   EbrUrfa/Ebrularla Urfa, Şanlıurfa Büyükşehir Belediyesi Yayınları, Zonguldak, 2017.

7.                   Son Peygambere İlk İnanan İnsan, Müminlerin Annesi Hz. Hatice, Semerkand Yayıncılık, 1. Baskı, İstanbul, 2011 (7. Baskı, İstanbul, 2018).


Translated Books


et-Târîh-İlk Kronolojik İslam Tarihi, Ankara Okulu Yayınları, Ankara 2019. (Mahmut Sabuncu ile birlikte).


Book Chapters


“Siyer Eserleri”, İslam Tarihi Kaynakları, İstanbul 2019.

“Hz. Peygamber'in Güzel Ahlâkı”, Farklı Yönleriyle İslâm Ahlâkı, İstanbul 2019.

“İslâm Tarihinde Ezanın Teşrîi ve İlk Müezzinler”, Ortak Dilimiz Ezan, İstanbul 2018.

“Tarihçi Muhammed b. Saîd el-Harrânî’nin (ö. 334/945) Hayatı ve İlmi Faaliyetleri”, İslâm Tarihi ve Medeniyetinde Harran, Ankara 2018.

“Güven Toplumu Oluşturmada Emanet, Ehliyet ve Liyakat İlkeleri”, Nebevi Öğretiler Işığında Güven Toplumu, İstanbul 2018.

“Âişe Bt. Ebû Bekir” Mü’minlerin Anneleri, İstanbul 2017.

“Safiyye Bt. Huyey” Mü’minlerin Anneleri, İstanbul 2017.

“Câhiliye Devrinde ve İslâm’da Kadın”, Mü’minlerin Anneleri. İstanbul 2017.

“Emeviler Döneminde Hz. Âişe’nin Siyasî Tutumu”, 2017.

“Ahmet Hamdi Akseki”, Türkiye'nin Birikimleri “İlahiyatçılar”, İstanbul 2013.

“Ömer Nasuhi Bilmen”, Türkiye'nin Birikimleri “İlahiyatçılar”, İstanbul 2013.

“Geleneksel Sanatlar”, Geçmişten Günümüze Şanlıurfa’da Dinî Hayat, Ankara 2010.


Social Media Accounts


Youtube : youtube.com/dromersabuncu

Facebook: facebook.com/dromersabuncu

Twitter  : twitter.com/dromersabuncu

İnstagram: instagram.com/dromersabuncu


REFERENCE: Ebru sanatını sevdiren adam (ajansurfa.com, (03.04.2016), Ebru Sanatçısı Hocamız Ömer Sabuncu Öğrencilere Ebru Sanatını Anlattı (ilahiyat.harran.edu.tr, 19 Ekim 2017), Ömer Sabuncu (Bilgi teyidi, Şubat 2019, Mayıs 2020), Türk Ebrusu Çin Seddi’ne Dayandı! (İbrahim Ethem Gören Röportajı, erişim 23.05.2020), Ebrunun Dervişi Timuçin Hoca’ya Vefâ (İbrahim Ethem Gören Röportajı, erişim 23.05.2020).


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