Çaylak Tevfik

Folklor Derlemecisi, Yazar

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Mehmet Tevfik

Journalist and writer (b. 1843, İstanbul – d. 1892). He educated himself without any formal schooling. He worked at various civil service posts. He published the review Hüdavendigar in Bursa and Terakki, Geveze, Letâif-i Asâr and the famous humorous review Çaylak (1876) in İstanbul.

He wrote works on folklore and literature research as well as his humorous articles. He is the first writer to collect the tales of Nasreddin Hoca under his own signature.


Kafile-i Şuârâ (Group of Poets, anthology, stops at the letter D, 1873), Meşahir-i Osmaniye (Famous Ottomans, biographies, 1873), Yadigârı Macaristan (Souvenir of Hungary, travel book, 1877), Letaif-i Nasreddin (Jokes of Nasreddin Hoca, 1881), Bu Âdem (This Universe, 1881), Hazine-i Letaif (The Treasury of Jokes, 1885; he collected nearly two hundred Nasreddin Hoca anecdotes in these last three books), İstanbul'da Bir Sene (One Year in İstanbul, 1881-83; he narrated the traditional lifestyle of the people of İstanbul during that time in the books written under this title), İki Gelin Odası (Two Bridal Rooms, 1883), Tarih Yahut Bin Yüz Yetmiş Cinayetleri (History or One Thousand One Hundred and Seventy Murders, 1884). 


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