Mr. İnan Kıraç started his career in 1961 as a sales
officer in Ormak A.Ş. affiliated with Koç Group. In 1966, he was appointed to
the General Management of Otoyol, manufacturer of Fiat Trucks and Minibuses. In
1970, he became the General Manager of Tofaş Oto Ticaret, the marketing and
distribution company for Fiat Automobiles manufactured in Turkey. First, he was
assigned as Koç Holding Vice President of Tofaş and then as the Koç Holding
Automotive Group President. Serving as Koç Holding's Chief Executive Officer
(CEO) until his retirement in 1998, Mr. İnan Kıraç has witnessed each stage of
the Turkish Automotive Industry's development, has worked for each detail as a
professional executive and has played a role in the establishment of many
important factories.
Üst Yönetim - Başkan (, 04.07.2017), İnan Kıraç kimdir
(, 04.07.2017), İnan Kıraç kimdir (,