İssa Botaşev

Playwright, Poet

Other Names
Botaşlani İssa

Poet and playwright (b. 1925, Köndelen / Kabardino / Republic of Balkar - d. 1992). After high school, he worked in vary of youth organization. He began to write poems in his school days. His first poems were published in the Selection of Jaşavubuznu Bayrağı (The Flag of Our Life) in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. He finished the Advanced Literary Courses of the Writers Union of Union of Soviet Socialist Republic (1962). He is a member of the Writers Union of Union of Soviet Socialist Republic.


Jüregimden Jırlayma (Songs from Heart, 1956, Bishkek, ), Ekinçi Tübeşiu (Second Date, 1961), Hoçu Bıt Pervım (I Want to Become First, 1961, Russian, Moscow), Ot Doma k Domu (From Home to Home, 1965, Russian), Taula Saklaydıla (Mountains are Waiting, 1968), Piyesala (Plays, 1972).



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