İsmet Parmaksızoğlu


07 Ocak, 1984
İstanbul Teacher Training School

Historian (b. 1924, Kavala / Greece - d. 7 January 1984, Ankara). He attended primary and elementary school in İstanbul and graduated from the İstanbul Teacher Training School (1944). He worked as a library administrator and teacher in Manisa and Adana (1945-54). He conducted research in Baghdad and improved his Arabic (1954-56). When he returned home, he worked as an advisor at the general directorate of libraries, assistant manager (1962) and general director (1964). In 1967, he was appointed as the cultural attaché to Baghdad. When he came back, he worked as the General Director of Religious Education and the representative of the cultural undersecretary. He retired in 1978, when he was a ministerial advisor.

He participated in the preparation of the Catalogue of Literary Works in Turkey. He was a member of the Board of Publication of 1000 Fundamental Works, founded by the Ministry of National Education. His articles were published in the review Millî Kültür and Belleten. He wrote articles for the Encyclopedia of Turkish and the Encyclopedia of Islam. He was famous for his studies on Turkish culture and history.


RESEARCH-STUDY: Kıbrıs Sultanı (The Sultan of Cyprus), II. Mahmut Kütüphanesi (Mahmud II Library), Manisa Genel Kütüphanesi Tarih-Coğrafya Yazmaları Kataloğu (Catalogue of the Works on History and Geography at the General Library of Manisa), T. C. İnkılap Tarihi (Reform History of the Republic of Turkey, text book), Sosyal Bilgiler (Social Sciences, text book), İslâm Uluları (The Sublime of Islam), Genel Tarih I (General History I), Eski Çağlarda Türkler ve Türk Tarihinin İlk Dönemleri (Turks in Ancient Times and the First Period of Turkish History), Ermeni Komitelerinin İhtilal Hareketleri ve Besledikleri Emeller (Revolutionary Movements of Armenian Committees and Their Goals), Türklerde Devlet Anlayışı (The Turks’ Understanding of State - Ottoman period), Tarih Boyunca Kürt Türkleri ve Türkmenler (Kurdish Turks and Turkmen in History).

SIMPLIFICATION: Tacü't-Tevârih (Crown of the Histories, Histories 5 volumes), Seyahatnâme (The Travel Book, 4 volumes), İbn-i Batuta Seyahatnâmesinden Seçmeler (A Selection from the Travel Book of İbn-i Batuta), Osmanlı Tarihi (Ottoman History, a selection from Ahmed Rasim), Kutübname (The Book of Books, from Firdevsî-i Rumî, in collaboration with İbrahim Olgun), Mehmet Asaf'ın 1909 Adana Ermeni Olayları ve Anıları (Armenian Events and Memories in Adana in 1909 from Mehmet Asaf), Sefînetü'l-Vüzera (The Ships of the Viziers), Nusretnâme (The Victory Book), Türkiye Yazmaları Toplu Kataloğu (Comprehensive Catalogue of the Literary Works in Turkey, 9 volumes), Sicilli Osmanî (Registered Ottoman, in collaboration with İbrahim Olgun, it was not published).


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