Poet and
historian (b. 1916, Bursa – d. 9 March 2013, İstanbul). He completed his primary and
secondary education in Bursa. He graduated from İstanbul University, Faculty of
Economics, Institute of Journalism (1952). He worked as civil officer and
journalist in the newspapers Son Posta, Günaydın, Hürriyet and Tercüman.
He engaged in trade for a while. After his retirement, he continued his
studies in İstanbul.
His first
poem was published in the review Kültür Haftası (1936). Then, he wrote
radio-phonic plays, and these plays were broadcast on radio (1940-52). He has
been know with his studies and investigations on the unrevealed facts of recent
history, and led to great speculations. His book titled Üçüncü Çözüm:
İslâmiyetin Sosyo-Ekonomik Modeli (The Third İdea: The Veiling For) was
published first in English and then in Turkish. His essays and articles were
published in the newspapers and reviews Kültür Haftası, Yücel, Hamle,
Varlık, Vatan, Son Posta, Tasvir, Yeni İstanbul, Zafer, Hürriyet, Günaydın,
Güneş, Tercüman, and Milliyet.
Üç Mum Yandı (Three Candles Burned, 1936), Gönderilmemiş Mektuplar (Unsent
Letters, 1941), Beyaz Mektuplar (White Letters, 2003).
RESEARCH: Başvekilim Menderes (My Prime Minister Menderes, in
collaboration with Celal Bayar), Atatürk ve Eşi Latife Hanım (Atatürk
and His Wife Latife Hanım, 1972), Bir Çağın Perde Arkası (The Backstage
of an Era, 1972), Atatürk, İnönü, Bayar Çekişmeleri (The Struggles Among
Atatürk, İnönü and Bayar, 1974), Atatürk'ün Sofrası (The Dinner Table Of
Atatürk, 1974), Abdülhamid'in Hatıra Defteri (The Memory Book of
Abdülhamit, 1975), Demokrat Parti ve Ötekiler (Democrat Party and the
Others, 1976), Atatürk'ün Metodolojisi (The Methodology of Atatürk, in
collaboration with Bayar, 1978), The Third Idea: The Veiling For (1979;
in Turkish with title of Üçüncü Çözüm: İslâmiyetin Sosyo Ekonomik Modeli
– Third Solution: The Socio-economical Model of Islam, 1984), Atatürk'ün Anıları (Memories of
Atatürk, 1980), Kemal Tahir'in Sohbetleri (Conversations of Kemal Tahir,
1980), Sovyet Marksizmi, Çin Marksizmi ve Türkiye Gerçekleri (Soviet
Marxism, Chinese Marxism and the Realities of Turkey, 1988), Atatürk'ün
Evrensel Boyutları (Universal Dimensions of Atatürk, 1988), Bir Darbenin
Evrensel Boyutları (The Universal Dimensions of a Military Coup, 1988), Bir
Darbenin Anatomisi / 27 Mayıs İhtilali (Anatomy of a Military Coup / The
Coup on 27 May, 1991), İnsanlığın Son Çerçevesi (The Last Frame
of Humanity, 1992), Demirkırat Aldatmacası (The Demirkırat Deception,
1992), Paşaların Kavgası (The Struggle of Paşas, 1993), Harem
Penceresinden Sultan Abdülhamid (Sultan Abdülhamid from the Window
of Harem, 1993), Değişim Şafağı (The Dawn for Transformation, 1994), Türkiye'de
ve Dünya'da Basın İstibdadı (The Oppression over Journalism in Turkey and
in the World, 1994), Mustafa Suphi'yi Kim Öldürttü (Who Got
Killed Mustafa Suphi?, 1994), Osmanlının Son Kahramanları (The Last
Heroes of the Ottomans, 1995), Abdülhamid'in Eşi Pesendun Hanım'ın Anıları
(Memories of Abdülhamid’s Wife Pesendun Hanım, 1996), Kültür İhtilalimiz (Our Cultural Revolution, 1999), Atatürk'ün
Evrensel Boyutları (Universal Dimensions of Atatürk, 3rd edition, 2001), Derin
Devlet Cehenneminde Düşünmek Can Bahası (The Risk of Thinking in the Hell of
Deep State, 2001).
ANTHOLOGY: Divan Edebiyatında Aşk ve Çapkınlık Şiirleri (The
Romantic and Erotic Poems in Divan* Literature, 1996).