İlhan Selçuk

Gazeteci, Yazar

21 Haziran, 2010
İstanbul University Faculty of Law

Journalist and writer (b. 1925, Aydın – d. 21 Haziran 2010, İstanbul). He graduated from Adana High School for Boys and İstanbul University, Faculty of Law (1950). For a while he worked in law and the printing business, then he started as a journalist in a comic review Dolmuş that he jointly ran with his brother Turhan Selçuk (1955). He worked as a columnist at Akşam, Tanin, Vatan, Akbaba reviews and newspapers. Since 1963, he has continued as a columnist at Cumhuriyet newspaper.

His first articles were published in a comic called 41 Buçuk (1952). He is famous for his column in Cumhuriyet newspaper. Because of his articles he was arrested in the 12 March and 12 September periods. In 2002 he won the Hacı Bektaş Award for Peace and Friendship.


ESSAY-STUDY: Mustafa Kemal'in Saati (The Hour of Mustafa Kemal, 1969), Yeni Krallar Yeni Soytarılar (New Kings, New Clowns, 1976), Atatürkçülüğün Alfabesi (The Alphabet of Kemalism, 1981), Ağlamak ve Gülmek (Laugh and Cry, 1982), Düşünüyorum Öyleyse Vurun (I am Thinking So Shoot Me, 1984), Görülmüştür (It Was Seen, 1986), Japon Gülü (The Rose of Japan, 1989), Duvarın Üstündeki Tilki (Fox on the Wall, 1995), İskele Sancak (Quay and Starboard, 1996), Enel Hakk'ın Hakkı (Enel Hakk’s Right, 1998).

TRAVEL LITERATURE: Güzel Amerikalı (Beautiful American, 1967), Uzak Komşu Rusya'dan (The Far Neighbor of Russia, 1967), Sovyetler, İran, Amerika İzlenimleri (Impressions of Soviet, Iran and America, 1976).

MEMOIR: Ziverbey Köşkü (Ziverbey House, 1987).

NOVEL: Yüzbaşı Selahattin'in Romanı (Novel of Captain Selahattin, documentary novel, 2 volumes: 1973-75).



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