İrfan Kaya Ülger

Researcher, Writer

29 June, 1964
Ankara University Faculty of Social Sciences

Researcher (b. 29 June 1966, Sivas). He graduated from Ankara University, Faculty of Social Sciences in 1989. He worked as an assistant specialist at the Ministry of Defense between 1990 and 1991, as a journalist at various newspapers between 1992 and 1993 and as an assistant specialist at İzmir Chamber of Commerce in 1993. He worked in the export and marketing business between 1993 and 1994 and he became a researcher at Gazi University in 1994. He is still a researcher of International Relations at Gazi University. He received an honorable mention from the Foundation of Foreign Capital Coordination in 1988. He is a member of the Mülkiye Alumni.


Yugoslavya’nın Parçalanmasında Uluslararası Toplumun Rolü (The Role of International Society in the Disintegration of Yugoslavia, 1995), Baas Partisi İdeolojisi (Ideology of the Ba’th Party, 1995), Golan Tepeleri Sorunu (The Golan Heights Problem, 1994), Sırbistan’da Etnik Milliyetçilik (Ethnic Nationalism in Serbia, 1996).


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