Poet and writer (B. 6 March 1934, Diyarbakır -
D. 19 November 2013, Diyarbakır). He completed his primary school (1945), secondary
and high school education (1953) in
“Our poet has a
wide range of reading fields such as memories, religions, beliefs, nations, and
social structure researches. But he always kept his identity as a poet and was remembered
this way people around him. He was almost known as a poet more than as he was a
lawyer. Ihsan Biçici kept one of his identities too: being a follower of
Fikret. Since his early years as teenager he was an admirer of Tevfik Fikret’s
poems and perspective of life and it specified the second name of İhsan’s:
İhsan Fikret.” (Remzi Inanç)
coğrafyası olabildiğince zengindir şairimizin; anılar, dinler, inançlar,
uluslar, toplumsal yapı araştırmaları gibi. Ama hep şair kimliğini korudu ve
öyle anıldı çevresinde. Neredeyse hukukçuluk yönünden çok bu yönüyle tanındı.
Bir kimliğini daha korudu İhsan Biçici: Fikret’çilik. İlk gençliğinden beri
tutkuyla bağlandığı, özümsediği Tevfik Fikret’in şiir ve dünya görüşü İhsan’ın
ikinci adını daha belirledi: İhsan Fikret.” (Remzi İnanç
Mektuplar (1997), Vay Limin (1997),
Adınla Vurulup Ölmek (2004).
İhsan Işık (TEKAA, 2009).