Yıldız Sertel

Araştırmacı, Yazar

17 Aralık, 2009
London School of Economics

Researcher and writer (b. ?, New York, United States). She is the daughter of Sabiha and Zekeriya Sertel. She was born while her father and mother were studying in the United States. She finished her elementary and high school education in Arnavutköy American Girls’ College in İstanbul and her undergraduate education at the London School of Economics. She had to leave the country with her husband after the newspaper Tan was burned down by reactionaries protesting her husband’s articles in 1950. She completed her Ph.D. at the Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences when she moved to Baku in 1960. She became an associate professor. She lectured on the History of Turkey and the Near East at Vincennes University in Paris between the years 1971-89. She won the award given by the İstanbul Women’s Foundations Union in 1995.


Savaş Rüzgârları-Savaşlar (War Winds-Wars), Küreselleşen Emper–yalizm, Bunalım (Global Imperialism, Depression, 1999), Annem Sabiha Sertel Kimdi Neler Yazdı? (My Mother, Sabiha Sertel. Who Was She and What Did She Write?, 1999), Türkiye'de Dışa Dönük Ekonomi ve Çöküş (The External Economy in Turkey and Collapse, 1999).



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