Yavuz Özdem

Yazar, Şair

05 Ağustos, 1956
Dicle University Faculty of Education

Poet (b. 5 August 1956, Elazığ). He attended Hıdırbaba Primary School, Elazığ Atatürk High School, and graduated from Dicle University, Faculty of Education (1979). He taught at Yıldızeli High School (1980), Beyoğlu Vocational High School for Tailors (1981-88) and private schools.

His first poem was published in the review Öğretmen Dünyası in 1985. His other poems have been published in the reviews, Öğretmen Dünyası, Yazko Edebiyat, Sanat Olayı, Varlık, Hürriyet Gösteri, Atika Şiir, Şiir Ülkesi, Dünya Kitap, E, Yasakmeyve, Güzel Yazılar, Edebiyat Eleştiri, Şiir-lik, Eşik, Şiir Oku and Islık. In addition he has written on language and poetry in the reviews Hürriyet Gösteri, Cumhuriyet Kitap and Varlık. He collected the Poetry Award of the review Dünya Kitap in 1994.  He is a member of the Writers Syndicate of Turkey and the Turkish Authors Association.


POETRY: Göl (The Lake, 1991), Bir Yüzle Yürümenin Kitabı (The Book of Walking with One Face, 1994), Adınız Kime (To Whom is Your Name, 1997), İstanbul Yolcusu Kalmasın (All Passengers to İstanbul On Board, 1999).

MEMOIR-RESEARCH: Şiir ve Dil (Poetry and Language, 2005).



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