Yavuz Bahadıroğlu


22 Ocak, 2021
Diğer İsimler
Niyazi Birinci, Veysel Akpınar, Şeref Baysal, Bahadır Alp, Nurcan Sevinç

Writer (b. 1945, Hazar / Rize -  d. 22 January 2021, Istanbul). His real name is Niyazi Birinci. He has used the pen names Yavuz Bahadıroğlu in his novels and Veysel Akpınar in his newspaper articles, Şeref Baysal and Bahadır Alp in his children books and also Nurcan Sevinç. He graduated from secondary school (1960). 

He has worked as mariner (1961), fisherman (1965), tea specialist (Yaka Tea Factory, 1970), correspondent for the newspaper Yeni Asya, information director and writer (1971). From 1981, he worked as writer at Yeni Nesil and as editor-in-chief at the review Can Kardeş (1989). He won the Novel Encouragement Award given by the National Education Association of Turkey in 1979 with his work Köprübaşı (Bridgehead) and the Writer of the Year Award in the branch of children literature in 1982 by the Writers Union of Turkey. His children’s novels, which number nearly one hundred, have been published under various pen names.   


NOVEL: Buhara Yanıyor (Bukhara is in Fire, 1974), Elveda Buhara (Goodbye Bukhara, 1975), Kırım Kan Ağlıyor (The Crimea Bleeds, 1976), Şehzade Selim (Şehzade Selim, 1976), Şirpençe (Şirpençe, 1976), Mısır'a Doğru (Towards Egypt, 1976), Yolbaşı (Headway, 1977), Sel (The Flood, 1977), Boşlukta Yürümek (Walking in Emptiness, 1979), Köprübaşı (Bridgehead, 1979), Keşmekeş (Confused, 1981), Dördüncü Murad (Murad IV, 2 volumes, 1982-83), Merhaba Söğüt (Hello Willow, 1984), Cem Sultan (Sultan Cem, 2 volumes, 1986), Sahipsiz Saltanat (Sultanate without an Owner, 1984), Birinci Murad (Murad I, 1984), Yıldırım Beyazıt (Yıldırım Beyazıt, 1984), Yolbaşı (Headway, 1985), Osman Gazi (Osman the Veteran, 1985), Çelebi Mehmet (Çelebi Mehmet, 1986), Orhan Gazi (Orhan the Veteran, 1987), Fatih (The Conqueror, 1987), Kanuni Sultan Süleyman (Süleyman the Magnificent, 1988), Sunguroğlu, (Sunguroğlu, 1988), Malazgirt'te Bir Cuma Sabahı (A Friday Morning in Malazgirt, 1988), Yavuz Sultan Selim (Sultan Yavuz Selim, 1989), Selahaddin Eyyubi (Selahaddin Eyyubi, 1989), Turgut Alp (Turgut Alp, 1989), Çakabey (Çakabey, 1990), Endülüs'e Elveda (Goodbye to Andalusia, 1990), Sen Beni Sev (Love Me, 1991), Geceyarısı Mektupları (Midnight Letters, 1991), Kelepçe (Handcuffs, 1999).

SHORT STORY: Üçüncü Basamak (The Third Step, 1977), Ustura Zoruna (By the Force of a Razor, 1978), Zirvedeki Ses (Voice at the Summit, 1981).

ESSAY-RESEARCH: Batı ve Biz (The West and Us, 1977), Osmanlı Padişahları Ansiklopedisi (Encyclopedia of Ottoman Sultans, 3 volumes, 1986), Dünyamızda Neler Oluyor (What is Happing in Our World?, 1989), Canım Peygamberim (My Dear Prophet, 1990), Yürek Seferi (Journey of the Heart, 1999), Hayata Dilekçe (Letter to Life, 2003).

PLAY: Piyesler (Dramas, 1981).

He also has written many children books.

REFERENCE: Mehmet Nuri Yardım / Romancılar Konuşuyor (2000; Tarihimizi Sevdiren Yazar Yavuz Bahadıroğlu: Tarih Toplumun Hız ve İlham Kaynağıdır, s. 201-214) -Yazar Olacak Çocuklar (2004), İhsan Işık / Türkiye Yazarlar Ansiklopedisi (2001, 2004) – Encyclopedia of Turkish Authors (2005) - Resimli ve Metin Örnekli Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (2006, gen. 2. bas. 2007) - Ünlü Edebiyatçılar (Türkiye Ünlüleri Ansiklopedisi, C. 4, 2013) - Encyclopedia of Turkey’s Famous People (2013). İhsan Işık / Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (2006).



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