Yalçın Küçük


01 Temmuz, 1938
Ankara University Faculty of Political Sciences

Writer (b. 1938, İskenderun / Hatay). He attended the Kabataş High School (1955) and graduated from Ankara University, Faculty of Political Sciences. He worked as an assistant specialist at the State Planning Organization (1960) and then went to Yale University in the United States for his graduate studies. On his return, he served as the Branch Director at the State Planning Organization (1963-65) and as a lecturer at the Middle East Technical University and Gazi University and as an advisor at Ankara Municipality.

He was dismissed from his office at the Middle East Technical University after the military coup on 12 March 1971 and again from Gazi University after the coup on 12 September 1980. Küçük, who also worked for the review Yankı and the newspaper Cumhuriyet for a while, was sentenced to eight years in prison because of his book Bir Yeni Cumhuriyet İçin (For A New Republic). He was arrested once every few years. He attracted attention with the issues he put forward to the public. More recently his articles have been published in the reviews and newspapers such as 2000'e Doğru, Aydınlık and Özgür Gündem.


Endüstrileşme Sürecinin Temel Sorunları - Sovyet Deneyimi - 1924-40 (Basic Problems of the Process of Industrialization- The Soviet Experience-1924-40, 1975), Bir Yeni Cumhuriyet İçin (For A New Republic) Türkiye Üzerine Tezler (Theses on Turkey, 3 volumes, 1973-86), Planlama, Kalkınma ve Türkiye (Planning, Development and Turkey, 1978), Seçme Teknik Çalışmalar (Selected Technical Works, 1981), Nereye Gidiyoruz (Where Do We Go?, 1983), Aydın Üzerine Tezler (Theses on the Intellectual, 4 volumes, 1984-87), Bilim ve Edebiyat (Science and Literature, 1985), Küfür Romanları (Bad Language Novels, 1986), Sovyetler Birliği'nde Sosyalizmin Kuruluşu (Establishment of Socialism in the Soviet Union), Estetik Hesaplaşma (Aesthetic Question, 1987), Bir Soran Olursa (If Anyone Asks about me…, 1987), Fatih Sultan Mehmet (Fatih Sultan Mehmet, 1987), İtirafçıların İtirafları (Confessions of a Confessor, those regretful in the Communist Party of Turkey, 1988), Şebeke (Network, 2002).



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