Hüseyin Çelik

Minister, Statesman, Academician, Politician

05 March, 1959
İstanbul University Faculty of Literature

Statesman and politician, literature researcher. He was born on March 5, 1959 in Gürpınar / Van. He graduated from Tatvan Regional Boarding School, Alpaslan Teachers’ High School (1978) and IU Faculty of Literature (1983). He has completed his masters’ degree at Van Yuzuncu Yıl University SBE in 1983 and his doctoral degree at Istanbul University and London School of Oriental and African Studies in 1991. He visited Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy and France to conduct research on the first opposition movement in Turkey, Neo Ottomans. His masters’ thesis was “The Journal of Genç Kalemler” and his doctoral thesis was named “Ali Suavi and his Era”. He became an associate professor in 1997. He worked as a lecturer at Van Yuzuncu Yil University (1983-1999).

He was elected as Van deputy from TPP on April 18, 1999 elections and he became TGNA clerks’ member. On July 3, 2001 he resigned from TPP and became one of the founders of JDP. After his party has established a group in TGNA, he was elected as group deputy chairman. He was re-elected as Van deputy at the national elections on November 3, 2002. He was the Minister of Culture in 58th government and Minister of National Education in 59th government. His articles on Turkish political history, culture, literature and contemporary issues were published in several journals and newspapers such as Türkiye Günlüğü, Dergâh, Tarih ve Toplum, Nokta, Zaman and Yeni Asya.


ESSAY-RESEARCH: Van’da Ermeni Mezalimi (1993), Ali Suavi (1993), Ali Suavi ve Dönemi (1994), Osmanlı Yanlısı İngiliz Dış İşleri Komiteleri (1994), Genç Kalemler Mecmuası Üzerinde Bir Araştırma (1995), Temizlik Doğudan Gelir (1995), Türk Dostu İngiliz Türkolog Charles Wells (1996), Türkler (1996), Reşat Nuri Güntekin’in Romanlarında Sosyal Tenkit (1997), Şinasi (By completing the unfinished work of Ziyad Ebuzziya and adding notes, 1997), Türkiye’de Değişim Demokrasi ve Aydınlar (2002), Bir Medeniyet Analizi - Türk Yanlısı İngilizlerin Osmanlıya Bakışı (2002), Bir Dönem Böyle Geçti (2002), Sizi Yazdım (2002), Uyan Ankara - Meclis’ten Millet Adına Makaleler (2002).

TRANSLATION: Türkler / Karakterleri, Terbiyeleri ve Müesseseleri (From H. A. Munra Butler Johnstone, 1996).

REFERENCE: İhsan Işık / Türkiye Yazarlar Ansiklopedisi (2001, 2004) - Resimli ve Metin Örnekli Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (2006, gen. 2. bas. 2007), TBMM Albümü 3. Cilt 1983-2010 (2010), TBMM Albümü 24. Yasama Dönemi (tbmm.gov.tr, erişim: 16.01.2016), Hüseyin Çelik (tbmm.gov.tr, 14.06.2019), Özgeçmiş (huseyincelik.net, 14.06.2019).



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