Turhan Feyzioğlu

Kurucu Meclis Üyesi, Bakan, Milletvekili, Bilim İnsanı, Devlet Adamı, Siyasetçi

24 Mart, 1988
Istanbul University Faculty of Law

Scientist, politician and statesman (B. 1922, Kayseri – D. 24 Mart 1988, Ankara). He is the son of Sait Azmi, who is from the Feyzioğulları family, which is a rooted family of Kayseri, and who has served as a judge, teacher, lawyer and parliamentarian for two periods. He started his primary education in Kayseri, then attended many schools, completed Galatasaray High School in 1940-41 academic year and graduated from Faculty of Law of Istanbul University in 1945. He accomplished profession and research studies in Ecole Nationale d’Administration in France and in Oxford University in England and returned back to hometown. He started to work as a research assistant in the Political Sciences Faculty of Ankara University (1946). He completed his doctorate study there with the thesis on Kanunların Anayasaya Uygunluğunun Kazaî Murakabesi (1949). 

After he was given the title of associate professorship in the Faculty of Political Sciences, he was sent to England (1952). When he returned to Turkey, he advanced to professorship in 1955. Afterwards, he was elected as the Dean of the Faculty of Political Sciences (1956). He was known as the youngest Dean of Turkey and his advice to the students, “Nabza göre şerbet vermeyin” (T.N. “Do not keep a foot in both camps”). Meanwhile, he took part among the founders and authors of the magazine Forum. Because of the dissidence he experienced with the Demokrat Party (DP) government, he resigned from his position at the university. He entered into the Cumhuriyet Halk Party (CHP) and went into politics. He was elected as parliamentarian of Sivas and served in TBMM (T.N. Grand National Assembly of Turkey) between 1957 and 60. After the military coup on May 27, 1960, he was appointed as the rector of Middle East Technical University and elected as the member of Constituent Assembly from the quota of the university (1961). In the Constituent Assembly, he was appointed as the President of the Constitutional Committee. In the Second Cemal Gürsel Government formed in 1961, he served as the Minister of National Education (January-October 1961) and in the first coalition government, as the Minister of State and the Deputy Prime Minister.

However, when he couldn’t manage to ensure the dismissed 147 lecturers to return to their duties, he quit the ministry. He was elected as the parliamentarian of Kayseri in the general elections of 1961 from the list of CHP (1961-65) and served in the party management. He served as the Deputy Prime Minister in the Second İnönü Coalition Government (1962-63). He opposed the “Left of the Center” movement in CHP that was started by Bülent Ecevit and left the party with a group of friends and founded the Güven Party (GP). He was elected as the general president of the party (October 1967). GP, combined with Kemal Satır and friends, who left CHP in the meantime and founded the Cumhuriyetçi Party and named as Cumhuriyetçi Güven Party (CGP). He was elected as the general president of that party (1973-80). He served as the Deputy Prime Minister in the coalition government founded by Süleyman Demirel (1975-77), and then that founded by Bülent Ecevit (1978-79). In the elections of 1973 and 1977, he again elected as the Kayseri parliamentarian of CGP. Although his prime ministry was of question after the military coup on September 12, 1980, it wasn’t realized. During the military government of September 12, since the political parties were closed too after the parliament, Feyzioğlu resigned the political life. He was appointed as the Cyprus Counselor by the military government (1981). He was appointed as the member of Ata­türk Kültür Dil ve Tarih Yüksek Kurulu (T.N. Atatürk Supreme Council for Culture, Language and History) (1982).

Prof. Feyzioğlu, until he terminated his political life in 1980, worked as the Member of Parliament and constituent assembly for about twenty five years. He served as the State Minister and Deputy Prime Minister in two İnönü Governments. He also took charge as government official during his general presidency of Cumhuriyetçi Güven Party. During his representation of Turkey in the Council of Europe, he worked as the Deputy President of the Parliamentarian Assembly of the Council of Europe.

Prof. Dr. Turhan Feyzioğlu, took Kemalism as his guide throughout his life. He produced works in line with this point of view. He also has works and articles published in Turkish, English and French on economics, law, and political sciences. Turhan Feyzioğlu, the scientist and politician, died in Ankara on March 24, 1988 due to cardiac insufficiency.


SURVEYS-REVIEWS: İdare Hukukunda Beklenme­yen Haller: Emprevizyon Nazariyesi (1947), Kanunların Anayasaya Uygunluğunun Kazai Murakebesi (Phd Thesis, 1951), İdare Hukukunda Beklenmeyen Haller Nazariyesi (1952), Du Parti Unique a’ la Démocratie (Paris 1953), Kanunların Anayasaya Uygunluğunun Kazai Murakabesi: Tabana Memleketlerde ve Türkiye’de (1957), De­mokrasiye ve Diktatörlüğe Dair Düşünce­ler (1957), Türkiye'de Kaza ve Vilayet İda­resi Üzerinde Bir Araştırma (1958), Demokrasiye ve Diktatörlüğe Dair Memleket Meseleleri Hakkında Düşünceler (1957), Devlet Adamı Atatürk (Ankara 1963), Büyük Tehlike Komünizm (1964), Atatürkçü ve Milliyetçi Yolda İleri (1972), Millet Yolunda (1975), Sosyal Adalet ve Sosyal Güvenlik İçin (Ankara 1976), Atatürkçü Yol (1977), Kemal Atatürk de la liberation Nationale et du Development Dans le Paix (1987), Atatürks Way: A Cultural Publication of Otomarsan (editor, joint book, 1982), Chypre: Mythes et Realies (Ankara 1984), Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılâp Tarihi II: Atatürkçülük, Atatürkçü Düşünce Sisteminin Temelleri (joint book, 1986), Atatürk ve Milliyetçilik (1986), Un liberateur et un Modernisateur Genial, Publie Par le Centre de Recherche s Atatürk (1987), Atatürk Yolu (joint book, 1987).

TRANSLATION: Umumi İktisada Giriş (From Gaetan Piran, 1945), Esaret Yolu (From Hayek, 1948).  


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