Turhan Feyizoğlu

Researcher, Writer

09 September, 1958
Marmara University Atatürk Faculty of Education Department of Teaching French

Researcher and writer (b. 9 September 1958, İspir / Erzurum). He attended the İspir High School (1980), and graduated from Istanbul University, School of Foreign Languages and from Marmara University, Atatürk Faculty of Education, Department of Teaching French (1987). He worked as a worker and seller on the streets.

After 1990, he focused on writing. His works were published mostly in the newspaper Cumhuriyet and in the review Berfin Bahar, as well as in Yarın, Yazın, Özgürlük, İks, Devrimci Gençlik, Sosyal Demokrat, Türk Solu, Eski, Dünyada Türk Haber. His book İbo / İbrahim Kaypakkaya (İbo / İbrahim Kaypakkaya) was confiscated and he was sued. He is a member of Writers Syndicate of Turkey, the Foundation of 68’s, PEN Association of Writers and the Turkish Authors Association.


Deniz-Bir İsyancının İzleri (Sea – Marks of a Rebel, 1991), Türkiye'de Devrimci Gençlik Hareketleri Tarihi - Cilt: 1 (History Revolutionary Youth Movement in Turkey - Volume 1, 1993), Mahir/ On'ların Öyküsü (Mahir / Story of Ten, 1996), İbo / İbrahim Kaypakkaya (İbo / İbrahim Kaypakkaya, 2000), Sinan-Nurhak Dağlarından Sonsuzluğa (Sinan - From Nurhak Mountains to Eternity, 2000), Fırtınalı Yıllarda Ülkücü Hareket, Fikir Kulüpleri Federasyonu-Demokrasi Mücadelesinde Sosyalist Bir Öğrenci Hareketi (Nationalist Movement, Federation of Idea Clubs during Chaotic Years – A Socialist Students Movement in the Struggle for Democracy, 2002), Yılmaz Güney / Bir Çirkin Kral (Yılmaz Güney / An Ugly King, 2003). 



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