Turan Yazgan

Akademisyen, Araştırmacı, Yazar

22 Kasım, 2012
Istanbul University Faculty of Economics

Researcher and writer (b. 1938, Eğirdir / Isparta – d. 22 November 2012, İstanbul). He attended Kastamonu High School (1935) and graduated from Istanbul University, Faculty of Economics (1959). He worked as the İstanbul and Ankara Department Manager of the State Planning Organization and at the Ministry of Development and Housing (1961-64). He became an assistant at the faculty he graduated from (1965). He received his doctorate degree with the thesis Demographic and Socio-Economic Condition of the Labor Force in Turkey (1967). He became assistant professor with the acceptance of his thesis Social Security in terms of Distribution of Income (1969) and to the position of professor with his thesis on social insurance (1979). As well as being member of the faculty, he became the Director of the Turkic World Research Foundation from the time it was established (July 1980) and supervised the publications of the foundation Türk Dünyası Araştırmaları and Türk Dünyası Tarih. His articles have also been published in the reviews Türkistan'ın Sesi, İ. Ü. İktisat Fakültesi, Kubbealtı Akademi and Türk Edebiyatı.

WORKS (Research- Study):

Türkiye' den F. Almanya'ya İşgücü Akımı ve Meseleleri (Flow of the Labor Force from Turkey to W. Germany and Related Matters, with O. Tuna and N. Ekin, 1966), Türkiye'de İşgücünün Demografik ve Sosyo-Ekonomik Bünyesi (Demographic and Socio-Economic Condition of the Labor Force in Turkey, 1968), Gelir Dağılımı Açısından Sosyal Güvenlik (Social Security in terms of Distribution of Income, 1975), Sosyal Sigorta (Social Insurance, 1977), Türkiye'de Sosyal Güvenlik Sistemi ve Meseleleri (The Social Security System in Turkey and the Issues, 1981), Türkiye' de Sendikal Hareketler (Activities of Labor Unions in Turkey, short history, 1982), Güneydoğu Anadolu Gelişme Planı (The Southeastern Anatolia Development Plan, 6th and 7th volumes containing the general coordination and social planning of this plan).

He has also edited translations.



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