Tuğrul Tanyol

Translator, Poet

14 January, 1953
Boğaziçi University Department of Sociology

Poet and translator (b. 14 January 1953, İstanbul). He is the son of Prof.Dr. Cahit Tanyol, who is a poet and writer. He attended primary school in Moda (1963), Saint-Joseph Private French High School (1968), Kabataş High School for Boys (1972) respectively and graduated from Boğaziçi University, Department of Sociology (1977). He completed his doctorate thesis on “Theories of Culture Personality” at İstanbul University, Faculty of Literature, Department of Sociology (1980). He started working in the same year as a research assistant at Marmara University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences and went on working as a scholar at the same University. He is a member of the Encyclopedia of Turkish Authors (the second chairperson during 1995-96) and the PEN Association.

His first poem was published in the magazine Yeni İnsan (1970). His poems and articles appeared in the magazines Varlık, Somut, Türkiye Yazıları, Üç Çiçek, which he published together with Adnan Özer and Haydar Ergülen (1983) and Poetika, which he published together with Mehmet Müfit and Metin Celal (1985). He won the Poetry Award of Sanat Emeği Dergisi and with his second book August Labyrinths won he the Behçet Necatigil Poetry Award (1985).



Elinden Tutun Günü (Catch the Day by its Hand, 1983), Ağustos Dehlizleri (August Labyrinths, 1985), Sudaki Anka (The Phoenix in the Water, 1990), Oda Müziği (Chamber Music, 1992), İhanet Perisinin Soğuk Sarayı (The Cold Palace of the Faithless Nymph, 1995), Toplu Şiirleri 1971-1995 (All Poems, his own anthology, 1997), Büyü Bitti (The Magic Has Gone, 2000).

In addition, he translated from Kazancakis, G. G. Marquez and Guitry. 

REFERENCE: Metin Cengiz / Tuğrul Tanyol’un İmge Dünyası (Sombahar, sayı: 2, Kasım-Aralık 1990), Evren Erem / Söyleşi - Orhan Kahyaoğlu / Görsellik, Sembol ve İmgenin Çakıştığı Nokta: Tuğrul Tanyol Şiiri (Sombahar, sayı: 11, Mayıs-Haziran 1992), TDE Ansiklopedisi (c. VIII, 1998), Hayriye Ünal / Tuğrul Tanyol’un Şiiri (Dergâh, Mayıs 1998), Ş. Kurdakul / Şairler ve Yazarlar Sözlüğü (1999), Behçet Necatigil / Edebiyatımızda İsimler Sözlüğü (2000), İhsan Işık / Resimli ve Metin Örnekli Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (2. bas., 2009), Metin Altıok Şiir Ödülü 2016 törenle verildi... (gercekedebiyat.com, 09.11.2016).


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