Taner Akçam

Tarih Araştırmacısı

Middle East Technical University Faculty of Administrative Studies

Researcher of history (b. 1953, Ölçek Village / Ardahan). He graduated from the Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Administrative Studies. He was one of the founders of societies such as the Middle East Technical University Society and the Ankara's Democratic Patriotic Students Association. He was charged with making communist and Kurdish propaganda in the review Devrimci Gençlik, which was published after 1975 and where he was the editor, and was arrested in 1976. He was sentenced to nine years in prison in 1977 but escaped from Ankara Central Closed Prison and went to Europe in the same year. During his years of political exile (1978-1995), he worked as a historian at Hamburg Institute of Social Sciences. From 1990, in his articles and debates, he discussed the Armenian problem.


İşkenceyi Durdurun (Stop the Torture, 1991), Ulusal Kimliği ve Ermeni Sorunu (National Identity and the Armenian Problem, 1992), Siyasi Kültürümüzde Zulüm ve İşkence (Oppression and Torture in our Political Culture, 1992), İslâmda Hoşgörü ve Sınırları (Tolerance and Its Limits in Islam, 1994), Türkiye'yi Yeniden Düşünmek (Rethinking Turkey, 1995), İnsan Hakları ve Ermeni Sorunu (Human Rights and the Armenian Problem, 1999), Ermeni Tabusu Aralanırken (While the Armenian Taboo is Being Broken, 2000).


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