Historian, calligrapher,
poet and statesman (B. 1536,
Efendi gained a very selective position
in the palace during the sultanate of Murad III. He
was among the powerful names in the state government like the pashas Şemsî Ahmed
and Kara Oveys, and Sheikh Şüca Gazanfer Ağa and Canfedâ Hatun, who were known
by their relation with the Sultan. To reinforce his position, he didn't
hesitate to cooperate with the opponents of Sokullu Mehmet Pasha. The greatest
impact of Hodja Çelebi in the matters regarding the foreign policy of the
government was seen at the establishment of diplomatic relations with
position of Sadeddin Efendi in the Palace and in the government wasn't shaken
after the death of Murad III. He was the teacher of Mehmed, III who come to the
throne after Murad, III (1595) and he was the first to declare his loyalty to
him. Above all, as Molla Nasuh, who was the teacher of the new sultan when he
was a prince, had died two days before the sultan came to the throne, Sadeddin
Efendi continued to use the Hace-i
Sultanî title. By getting the support of Valide Safiye Sultan,
he tried to disgrace the Shaykh al-Islam Bostanzade Mehmed Efendi with whom he
was in bad relations since before. Soon after, when the Sultan Mehmed III
ordered the people to be appointed as viziers and scientist to interview with Hodja
Sadeddin, his status became completely safe. Then, the grand viziers (prime
ministers) who came into power successively like Koca Sinan and Damat İbrahim
Pasha had to cooperate with him. Hodja Sadeddin Efendi, at the peak of his
power, made the sultan Mehmed III go on a cruise to Austria personally and
accompanied him, having provided positive services for him and he was effective
in the Haçova victory.
At the same time, the news
regarding the defeat of the Ottoman powers sent against the army under the
control of Austrian Archduke Maximilian and the rebellious Erdel Voivode
Barthory arrived. Then the important people of the government, who gathered in
the consulting assembly at the Otağ-ı
Hümayun proposed to turn back without encountering the enemy. Hodja
Sadeddin stated that in case of directing to another direction, the enemy would
follow and entrap them, furthermore having mentioned none of the Ottoman
sultans turned away from war unless there was a really compulsory reason, and
he argued that it was necessary to fight until being martyred. With the same
persistence before the sultan, he convinced Mehmed III to meet the enemy and go
to war.
Efendi was not content with this and he dealt with the layout of the army. Once
they arrived in Haçova he was in the center of the army with the sultan and
directed to war that continued for three days with the sultan and the grand
vizier. On the second day of the war (October 26th, 1596) Ottoman
lines were broken and the Habsburg forces moved until the treasure chests’
location and planted their flag. Mehmed III was at a loss after this danger
just beside him. With the suggestion of the Grand Vizier İbrahim Pasha, he was
making preparations to run from the battle field, but Hodja Sadeddin Efendi
calmed the sultan by saying that he needed to stay or otherwise the army would
dissolve and made him staying by clothing him with Hirka-i Saadet. The victory
in Haçova increased the reputation and the impact of Hodja Sadeddin. However,
this didn't last long. Day to day, Sadeddin Efendi's influence in the Palace
diminished, and he was dismissed in 1597. In 1598, on the condition that he
kept “Hace-i
Sultanî” title, he was appointed as Shaykh al-Islam. He stayed
at this post till his death; when he died, he was buried in
Sadeddin Efendi, a poet
and calligrapher, was particularly known for being a historian. In his copyright
work named “Tâcü’t-Tevârîh” ,
he told the incidents that happened until the end of his period by referring to
the works of the historians before him, Aşıkpaşazade, İdris-i Bitlisî,
Neşrî, Hadidî ve Ahmedî. He
added “Selimnâme” which
included the information regarding the sultanate and life of Yavuz Sultan Selim,
based on the things he had heard from his father Hasan Çan. “Until 1554, many
annexes were written to Tâcü’t-Tevârîh”. The whole work was translated into Italian, French and
German, and some parts were translated into English, Magyar and Russian.
Tâcü’t-Tevârîh (Known also as ‘Hoca Târihi’,
simplified by İsmet Parmaksızoğlu), Mirâtü’l-Edvâr ve Mirkaatü’l-Ahbâr (translation from Muslihiddin Larî’, the
original is a Persian general history of the world), Risâletü’l-Kuşeyriye (translation),
Behcetü’l-Esrâr (translation from Eş-Şettenûfî).
Ahmet Refik / Âlimler ve Sanatkârlar (1924), İbrahim Alâeddin Gövsa / Türk
Meşhurları (1946), Münir Aktepe / Hoca Sadeddîn Efendi’nin Tâcü’t-Tevârih’i ve
Bunun Zeyli Hakkında (Türkiyat Mecmuası, sayı: 3, 1958), Hasan Çelebi / Tezkire
(Haz: İbrahim Kutluk, 2 cilt, 1978-1981), F. Babinger / Osmanlı Tarih Yazarları
ve Eserleri (1982), Şerafettin Turan / “Hoca Sâdeddin Efendi” (TDV İslâm
Ansiklopedisi, c. 18, s. 196-198, 1998), Büyük Türk Klâsikleri (c. 4, s.
212-213, 2004), İhsan Işık / Resimli ve Metin Örnekli Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür
Adamları Ansiklopedisi (2006, gen. 2. bas. 2007) – Ünlü Bilim Adamları (Türkiye
Ünlüleri Ansiklopedisi, C. 2, 2013) - Encyclopedia of Turkey’s Famous People