Şükrü Tekin Kaptan

Researcher, Writer

16 November, 1942
10 October, 2007
Ankara School of Finance

Researcher and writer (b. 16 November 1942, Yeşilyuva / Acıpayam / Denizli - d. 11 October 2007, İran). He attended primary school in Yeşilyuva and Secondary school in Acıpayam and Yeşilova. He graduated from the Ankara School of Finance (1963). He retired after continuing his employment as an officer, which began in the Directorate of Finance in Denizli, in the departments of the Ministry of Finance and Nevşehir Ürgüp Municipality. He performed duties as the president of the Nevşehir Ürgüp Chamber of Commerce and Industry (1978 – 79) and assistant to the general director of Aegean Press Union (1989 – 92). He was among the founders of Union of Aegean Researchers and Writers where he was the general director for a period. He is also member of the Folklore Research Institute, the Denizli Folk Culture Research and Education Institute, the Professional Association of Scientific and Literary Work Owners of Turkey, the Turk – Macedonia Institute of Friendship and the Turk – Moldavia Institute of Friendship.

Since 1965, his poems, interviews, research and study columns have been published in newspapers and magazines such as Pamukkale, Hizmet, Ticaret ve Ekonomi, Denizli, Türk Ocağı, Nevşehir Lale, Tebessüm Mizah Dergisi (owner, 6 issues, 1985-86), İktisadi Araştırma, Ozan Ağacı,Tarla, İkide Bir, Yatağan, Karizma and Denizli Ticaret Odası. He also published a humorous magazine named Denizli'de Tebessüm (1985-86, 18 months, 6 issues). Between 1990 and 1992 he prepared music and Ramadan morning programs for the Turkish Radio and Television Corporation, Channel 1 and 2. From 1993 on, he prepared cultural programs on local channels in Denizli. He is known for his studies concerning the culture of Denizli. In 1993, he gained the second prize in the competition “Encouraging the Press of Anatolia” held by the Prime Ministry of Press, Publishing and Information General Directorate. In 1998, he was acknowledged with the Turkish Folk Culture Service Award from the Turkish Folklore Research Institute.


POETRY: Hep Senin İçin (Forever For You, 1967).

STUDY-RESEARCH: Denizli'nin Halk Kültürü Ürünleri I-II (Folk Culture Works of Denizli I – II, 1988-2003), Denizli'de Adet ve Gelenekler (Traditions and Conventions in Denizli, 1988), Yeşilyuva'da Ayakkabıcılık ve Tarihi (Shoe Making in Yeşilyuva and its History, 1989), Gönül Sultanları / Denizli'de Türbeler ve Yatırlar (Sultans of the Heart / Tombs and Tombs of the Holy in Denizli, 1993), Millî Mücadele'de Denizli ve Kitabeleri (Denizli and its Epitaphs in the National Struggle, 1995), Gülme ve Güldürmenin İnsan Sağlığı Üzerindeki Etkileri (Effects of Laughing and Having a Laugh on Human Health, 1996), Şifa Kaynaklarımız / Denizli'de Kaplıca, Ilıca ve Şifalı Sular (Our Health Resources / Hot Springs, Thermal Springs and Healthy Waters, 1997), İki Lehçe-Bir Türkçe (Two Languages-One Turkish 1998, 25 pages), Gagauzya Hem Türkiye'de Sözün Özü Atalar (The Gagauz, both the Ancestors  and the Essence of  Speech in Turkey, 1999), Türk Kurtuluş Savaşı'nda Denizlili Önderler I-II (Leaders from Denizli during the Independence War of Turkey, 2000), Dünden Bugüne Benim Köyüm Yeşilyuva (My Village Yeşilyuva from Yesterday to Today, 2000), Denizli Kitabeleri (Denizli Epitaphs, Separate Edition, 2000), Sazının Telinden Gönül Sesinden Halk Ozanı Ali Taş (The Folk Poet Ali Taş from the Strings of the Saz and the Voice of the Heart, 2001), Denizli (simplified from the Ottoman Language, together with Mehmet Kaya, 2001), Çivril ve Yöresi'nde Yörük Kültürü (Yoruk Culture in and around Çivril, 2001), Bulgaristan Türk Halk Kültürüne Yörük Etkileri (The Yürüks’ Effect on Bulgarian Turkish Culture, 2001), Ermenistan'da Yörük Kültürü (Yoruk Culture in Armenia 2001), Denizlili Pehlivanlar (Wrestlers from Denizli, 2001), Denizli Hakkında Yazılan Kitaplar Bibliyografyası (Bibliography of Books about Denizli, 2001), Denizlili Meşhurlar (Famous People from Denizli, 2002), Yörük ve Türkmenlerde Günler ve Hayvanlarla İlgili Olarak Sürdürülen Batıl İnanmalar (Continuing Western Beliefs of Yürüks and Turkmen in relation to Time and Animals, 2002), Gagauzyayı Vatan Eyleyen Oğuzlar (The Oghuz Who Made Gagauzia Their Fatherland, 2002), Egeli Bir Ozan Ali Taş (Ali Taş, an Aegean Poet, 2002), Yatağan'dan Millî Mücadele Hareketine Katılanlar (Those Participating in the Movement of National Struggle from Yatağan, Notification and Layout of Symposium, 2002).

SIMPLIFICATION: Tarihi, Coğrafi, İçtimai, Sıhhi, İktisadi, Nokta-i Nazarlardan Denizli (Denizli from an Historical, Geographical, Social and Economical Point of View, from Dr. Kemal Şakir, together with Mehmet Kaya, 2002)

He has also prepared various compilations. 



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