Şükrü Karatepe

Araştırmacı, Yazar

16 Nisan, 1949
Ankara University Faculty of Law

Researcher and writer (b. 16 April 1949 Erkilet / Kayseri). He attended Elkilet Primary School (1961) and graduated from Kayseri High School (1968), Ankara University, Faculty of Law (1973). He did his master’s in 1980. He became a doctor of science of politics in 1983 and assistant professor of the constitution in 1989. For a while he was an independent lawyer (1975-76) in Kayseri. After he studied language in England (1977-78), he worked as an academician at Dokuz Eylül University, Faculty of Economics and Administration (1978-92). He was a political advisor at the Confederation of the Turkish True Trade Unions and the Independent Industrialists and Businessmen’s Association (1978-94). He was elected as the Mayor of Kayseri in the of 27 March 1994 elections. In 1998 He was dismissed from his post because of one of his speeches. He has been a freelance writer since 1998. He is a member of the Writers Union of Turkey and the Unity Foundation.

In 1970 his first essay work called Toprağın Kanı (Blood of the Land) was published in the review Edebiyat. His works have been published in newspapers and reviews such as Millî Gençlik (1973-75), Millî Gazete (1985), Zaman (1986-87), Akit (1994-95) Yeni Şafak (1999), Bilgi Hikmet (1994-95), Yeni Türkiye (1995-2000). He collected the 1989 Writers Union of Turkey Research and Study Award with his work Osmanlı Siyasi Kurumları (Political Associations of the Ottoman). Some of his works have been translated to English and published in reviews.


Osmanlı Siyasî Kanunları (Political Laws of the Ottomans, 1989), Tek Parti Dönemi (One Party Period, 1992), Darbeler Anayasalar ve Modernleşme (Revolutions, Constitutions and Becoming Modern, 1993), Sivil Toplum (Civilian Community, 1993), Demokrasi Savunması (Defense of Democracy, 1998), Kendini Kuran Şehir (The City Founded Itself, 1999), İdeolojik Devlet Krizi (Ideological Crisis of the State, 2000).


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