Linguist and historian (b. 13 June 1925, Van - d. 15 October 2015, Ankara).).
He graduated from
1829 Edirne Anlaşması (The 1829 Edirne Treaty), Osmanlı Teşkilatında Hassa
Mimarları (The Architectures of
Virtue in the Organization of Ottoman Empire), Rodos ve 12 Adanın Türk Hakimiyetinden Çıkışı (The Ottoman Empire’s Loss of Rhodes and 12
Islands), Fatih Mehmed (Fatih Mehmet), Uzun Hasan Mücadelesi ve Venedik (The Struggle with Uzun Hasan and Venice), Venedik’te Türk Ticaret Merkezi (The Turkish Commercial Center in Venice), Atatürk ve Ulusal Dil (Atatürk and the National Language), Kanuninin Oğlu Şehzade Beyazid
Vak'ası (The Case of Prince
Beyazıt, the Son of Süleyman the Magnificient), Rodos'un Zaptından Malta Muhasarasına (From the Seizure of Rhodes to the Besiegement
of Malta), Atatürk'ün
Düşünce Yapısı (The
Structure of Atatürk’s Way of Thinking), Türk Kültür Tarihi - Türk Kültüründen Türkiye
Kültürüne ve Evrenselliğe
(The History of Turkish Culture – From Turkish Culture to Turkey’s Culture and
Universality, 2000), İsmet İnönü, Yaşamı, Dönemi ve Kişiliği (İsmet İnönü, his Life, his Period and Personality, 2000) Türkiye-İtalya İlişkileri I -
Selçuklular'dan Bizans'ın Sona Erişine (Turkish – Italian Relations I – from the Seljuks to
the Decline of the Byzantine Empire, 2001), Türk Devrim Tarihi (Turkish Revolution
History, five volumes, eight books, 1991-2002), İsmet İnönü - Yaşamı, Dönemi, Kişiliği (İsmet İnönü – His Life,
Times, Personality, 2003).