Ümit Şimşek

Araştırmacı, Yazar

Researcher and writer (b. 1950, İstanbul). He entered in the world of press and publication at a very early age and started to work at various newspapers and magazines from 1967. He has worked for the newspapers Yeni Asya and Yeni Nesil since they were founded. In 1979 he played an active role in the preparations of the series that aimed to prove the existence of Allah through scientific evidence and became the general coordinator of this project. He worked as a program maker at the Turkish Radio and Television Corporation for a while. He publishes his works in the magazine Zafer.


Atom (Atom), Big-Bang – Kainatın Doğuşu (The Big-Bang – The Birth of the Universe), Bir Arının Hatıra Defteri (The Diary of A Bee), Araştırma Teknikleri (Techniques of Research), Uzay (The Space), Gezegenler (The Planets), Madde ve Enerji (Substance and Energy), Dünya (The World), Kur’an’ımızı Öğrenelim (Let’s Learn Our Koran), Kur’an-ı Kerim ve Açıklamalı Meali (The Koran and Its Translation with Interpretation), Şeytanla Münazara (Debate with Satan), Risale-i Nur Işığında Cevşen Meali (The Interpretation of Cevşen (an Islamic pray) in the Light of Risale-i Nur -The Book of Holy Light), Varlıklardan Allah’a (From Existence to God), Binlerce Diliyle İnsan Yüzü (The Human Face with Its Thousands of Languages, 2002), Barla Modeli (Model of Barla, 2002), Tefekkür Yazıları – Bir Kalp Bir Bakış Bir Dünya (Articles of Contemplation – A Heart, A Look, A World, 2002), Bir Fiil Yaratmak – Eserden Esmaya (Creating An Action – From the Work to the Artist (Allah), 2002), Uçan Üniversite (The Flying University, 2003), Bir Arının Hikâyesi (The Story of A Bee, story for children, 2003).


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