Doğan Aksan

Linguistic Scientist

Ankara University Faculty of Language History and Geography Department of Turkish Language and Literature

Linguist (b. 1929, İzmir). He graduated from Ankara University, Faculty of Language, History and Geography, Department of Turkish Language and Literature (1952). He became an assistant in the same faculty in 1954. He completed his doctorate studies in 1958, became an associate professor in 1964 and professor in 1972.

Between 1957 and 1958 he was an academician at Bonn University, Institution of General Science. He is known for his studies on language. His poems and articles were published in the reviews such as Varlık and Türk Dili. He explained the connection between language and culture in his works. He clearly revealed how the cultural environment that societies live in reflects in their language. Aksan, who has also commented on the concepts of translation, performance and competence that Noam Chomsky developed, put forward some of his conclusions on the language of animals and the language of poetry in his book Dil, Şu Büyülü Düzen… (Language, that Magical Order…)


Anlam bilimi ve Türk Anlam Bilimi (Semantics and Turkish Semantics, 1971), Her Yönüyle Dil Ana Çizgileriyle Dilbilim (Language in All Aspects and the Fundamentals of Linguistics, in 3 volumes, 1979-87), Türkçe’nin Gücü (The Power of the Turkish Language, 1987), Şiir Dili ve Türk Şiir Dili (Poetry Language and the Turkish Poetry Language, 1995), Halk Şiirimizin Gücü (The Power of Our Folk Poetry, 1999), Türkiye Türkçesinin Dünü, Bugünü, Yarını (The Past, Present and Future of Turkish in Turkey, 2000), Cumhuriyetin Çocukluk Yılları ve Bugün (The Childhood Years of the Republic and Today, 2001), Anadilimizin Sözdenizinde (In the Sea of Words of Our Mother Tongue, 2002), Dil, Şu Büyülü Düzen… (Language, that Magical Order…, 2003).



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